Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 27 YAC meeting

Minutes by Katherine 

Juniors: Katherine S, - Evie W, - Ali A, Claire R., Sahanya B.
Seniors- Chris G, Mariam S, Safra S.
Sophomores - Liz W, - Mallary S, - Saadia N
Freshmen - Abbey K, - Grace U, - Gabriella K

Presidential Service Award
- don’t forget to register!

Positive Tomorrows Blankets
- starts Wednesday

- booth with placemats to decorate for the children’s hospital
_Sharun contacted HALO for possible participation during the walk-a-thon.  As of 4/3/2018 no response

Suggested Agenda 

Walk-A-Thon:  YAC's connection
Sharun P. reports on talks about HALO Dogs

National Volunteer Week Activities April 15-21
- How can we celebrate and recognize volunteerism
-The delivery of PSA at Chapel will be April 20th.  
a. YAC needs to decide what the process will be at chapel and who will facilitate the delivery of awards.  Too many people have not updated their files.  Mrs. Clay will have two dates for odering awards, once before Spring Break.  She will also order awards the first week in April.
b. YAC also needs to decide what type of celebratory gathering YAC desires for the PSA and National Volunteer Week on Friday, April 20th.  Please send Mrs. Clay ideas at

Mrs. Clay returns next week, Monday, April 2nd

Presidential Service Awards will be ordered the week Mrs. Clay returns
Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah, Jordan Aidan Raikar, Jordan, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting,
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg, Katherine Schoeffler
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir, Noah Youmans, Malavika Rajaram, Ahmeed Hussan, Caroline Turrell
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz, Sophia Dystra, Ava Rangel, Neeley Patel

Possible PSA:   Contact Mrs. Clay
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Ellie Taylor, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung

Possible YAC Creative Fundraiser
Consider making a portrait  $6 will be donated per portrait by the Bezos Foundation

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3/13/2018 meeting

New Business
1. Walk Out tomorrow at 10 am
From Doran: 

On Wednesday, March 14 we will walkout of our classes at 10:00 and meet in the Quad. Please wear orange and make signs. The walkout will end at 10:17

The March For Our Lives needs volunteers on March 24 to help run voter registration stands and clean up. Voter Registration will happen at the County Election Board and clean up will be both there and the Capitol. Here is the link for the Facebook group for volunteers. This is how people are signing up. If someone doesn’t have Facebook they can just contact Doran directly.

2. Thank you Miss Smith for your sponsorship of YAC during Mrs. Clay's absence.  Mrs. Clay returns April 2nd.  The last March meeting will be supervised by a Casady Faculty.

3. National Volunteer Week Activities April 15-21
- How can we celebrate and recognize volunteerism
-The delivery of PSA at Chapel will be April 20th.  
a. YAC needs to decide what the process will be at chapel and who will facilitate the delivery of awards.  Too many people have not updated their files.  Mrs. Clay will have two dates for odering awards, once before Spring Break.  She will also order awards the first week in April.
b. YAC also needs to decide what type of celebratory gathering YAC desires for the PSA and National Volunteer Week on Friday, April 20th.  Please send Mrs. Clay ideas.
Presidential Service Awards 
Ready to order: 
Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah Jordan  
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg, Katherine Schoeffler
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir, Noah Youmans, Malavika Rajaram, Ahmeed Hussan, Caroline Turrell
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz, Sophia Dystra, Ava Rangel, Neeley Patel
Possible PSA:   
See Miss Smith at Harper for help creating a PSA file 
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Ellie Taylor, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung

4. Possible YAC Creative Fundraiser
Consider making a portrait  $6 will be donated per portrait by the Bezos Foundation

Old Business
1. Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows 
-Sharun P. will bring the supplies.  
-Positive Tomorrows needs to be contacted.  Saundra Ogden 405-556-5082, if that is the organization chosen by YAC.

2. Positive Directions Mentoring Program Ends Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 7
Sharun P. updates on last meeting decision making

3. Reflection on 
-Reverend Mother Tutu's visit
-Perfect Pair Drive

4.YAC in social media update by Hannah
Please send link to Mrs. Clay

5. YAC connection to Walkathon

a. Date of Walk-A-Thon
b. Sharun is working on bringing back HALO Dogs

7. YAC officers school year 2018-2019
Interest so far
Co-Presidents: Katherine, Sahanya, Ellie?
Co-Vice-Presidents: Hannah H.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Minutes of March 6th meeting

-Luke spoke about Walk a Thon and YAC's involvment

-juniors were in suicide prevention training so unable to attend

-Doran spoke about the March for Our Lives on March 24th at the OK Board of Elections to the Capital.  They need volunteers to help at the march.

-Doran also is in charge of the Walk Out on March 14th at Casady School from 10am-10:17am.  We are trying to figure out how to tell kids about it.

-Budget for YAC? Talked about buying stuff for Perfect Pair drive since invovlement was low

-Sharun called Positive Tomorrows to confirm blankets for them, will probably put them together during a YAC meeting

-Women's Month?  Makers documentary?

-Katherine Schoeffler
-Ahmed Hussan
-Saadia Nazir
-Abbey Kays
-Tina Nguyen
-Isabel Pardo
-Grace Utz
-Luke Albert (guest)
-Doran Walter (guest)

Monday, March 5, 2018

New Possible Way of Tracking hours with x2VOL in the academic year 2018-2019

Dear YAC,

Check  x2VOL and give me your feedback.  Mrs. Clay

Guide to Volunteering Over Spring Break

Posted by x2VOL on Feb 28, 2018 9:39:35 AM
How to Volunteer Over Spring Break
Spring break is the perfect time of year to lay by the beach, go on a trip, hang out with friends or volunteer at your local nonprofit organization or help someone in need. The days you have off during spring break are a great time to get plugged in to the community, make a difference in someone else's life and knock out some of your service hours for the year,
There are a number of ways you can serve during spring break whether you are looking to work one day or multiple days in a row, the luxury of spring break is time
1. Go on a short-term service trip. Find these through your school, church or local nonprofits. A number of organizations will travel to serve another city, state or country. Take advantage of the multiple days you are there and build connections and relationships with the people you are helping. 
2. Find volunteer opportunities through x2VOL or organizations near you. Use the opportunities tab in your x2VOL account to search service projects in your community or call local nonprofit organizations and ask what service projects or volunteer opportunities they have available.  
3. Create your own service project. Have something your passionate about or a cause close to your heart? Take the time over spring break to organize your own service project and impact the community using your passions and talents. 
When you are finished with a service project, big or small, be sure to reflect on what you learned. Write about the impact you had on an organization or a group of people and note how they impacted you. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

3/6/2017 Agenda

Suggested Agenda
David Fryburg: Inspiring Kindness Through Images

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.

- Henry James -

Thank you for making fleece blankets and keeping Project Warm ongoing.  Please send pictures of your making the blankets.  It is important to have images of kindness.  Check this out

New Business
1. Doran Waters: Peace House and Tulsa and OKC teens March for our Lives OKC.

Old Business
1. Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows 
-Sharun P. will bring the supplies.  
-Positive Tomorrows needs to be contacted.  Saundra Ogden 405-556-5082, if that is the organization chosen by YAC.

2. Positive Directions Mentoring Program Ends Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 7
Sharun P. updates on last meeting decision making

3. Reflection on 
-Reverend Mother Tutu's visit
-Perfect Pair Drive

4.YAC in social media update by Hannah
Please send link to Mrs. Clay

5. YAC connection to Walkathon

a. Date of Walk-A-Thon
b. Sharun is working on bringing back HALO Dogs

7. YAC officers school year 2018-2019
Interest so far
Co-Presidents: Katherine, Sahanya, Ellie?
Co-Vice-Presidents: Hannah H.

7. PSA
The delivery of PSA at Chapel will be April 20th.  
a. YAC needs to decide what the process will be at chapel and who will facilitate the delivery of awards.  Too many people have not updated their files.  Mrs. Clay will have two dates for odering awards, once before Spring Break.  She will also order awards the first week in April.
b. YAC also needs to decide what type of celebratory gathering YAC desires for the PSA and National Volunteer Week on Friday, April 20th.  Please send Mrs. Clay ideas.
Presidential Service Awards 
Ready to order: 
Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah Jordan  
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg 
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir, Noah Youmans
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz, Sophia Dystra, Ava Rangel
Possible PSA:   
See Miss Smith at Harper for help creating a PSA file 
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Katherine Schoeffler, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Ahmeed Hussan, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Malavika Rajaram, Ellie Taylor, Caroline Terrell,, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung
Freshmen: Neeley Patel

8. Miss Smith's last day is Wednesday, March 14th.