YAC Agenda
1. Metropolitan Library System: Come and Read with Me Books for Bodine Elementary: Dylan and Aubrey Dylan is contacting the Bodine Principal to see if she can deliver the books Friday during Spring Break. If you want to join her, text her.
2. Students Rebuild Healing Classrooms: Pinwheels for Syrian Refugee Children: Evie and Ellie Aubrey texted that we needed to start the meeting making pinwheels. Evie led the team and during the double, they counted and mailed our second installment of pinwheels, 312, to the address provided in the Students Rebuild website
3. STUCO Walk-A-Thon follow-up Dylan We are still thinking of a fast activity that can be done with participants that will not take much time. One suggestion was decorating the pinwheels which will already be made. The pinwheels during the Walk-A-Thon will go to Children Miracle Network Hospitals
4. Items from the floor: Aubrey On the parking lot
- Project Warm: RAK Positive Tomorrows with Reading Blankets Ellie
- Homeless Alliance SoFTH Project update: Ellie
-Composting with Anna Mann after Spring Break
-Athena Cares Day cancelled Mrs. Clay
- Youth LEAD OKC Any Youth Leader attending the meeting
March 6: Trumping Islamophobia: A bottle at the Gaza Sea movie and Kosher vegetarian pizza lunch
April 3: International Dance Experience
May 7: Autism Walk
5. Service-Learning Office Projects
-Seniors to complete hours: The Big 8 (Paxton, Grace H., Luke, Trevor, Max, Brandon, Jacob, Jillian)
- Letter to CPO for electronic equipment for Harper: YAC wish list Dylan and Sahanya?
* Letter to Mothers for Audiovisual equipment: Dylan, Hannah, and Sahanya will update letter status. Letter should be ready by the end of February. Mrs. Clay bullet points from her perspective below.
Writing Points
- Harper is used for many kinds of meetings. The technology requested will help those meetings run more efficiently
- YAC has very little time to do the amazing job they do of getting our teens to be active in the community. To change the location of meetings in order to view videos and skype or do google hangouts with non-profit organizations takes time and is confusing. Being able to do everything at Harper without having to request a new will make YAC's job easier and more efficient.
- The overflow of chapel goes to Harper. If the chapel experiences are videotaped, people in Harper will not only hear it, but will be able to be part of the experience via video screen.
-Weekly agenda's are currently only viewed by officers. Meetings will be more interactive if the agenda items and reflective pictures could be shared during "real time at meetings."
- Daily announcements and service opportunities will be made available on the screen daily. It will be a reliable, current account of the service and youth board opportunities available with videos stating the mission, vision , and purpose of the organizations seeking volunteers.
-Presidential Volunteer Service Awards: April 11th
Facilitators of the chapel award delivery: Miranda, Grace and Cathy? Will get together during Spring break to finalize details of the award ceremony
Possible 70 awardees if everyone makes a file at PSA
Guest Speaker: Mr. Josh Bottomly: Colleges and Teens Giving Back Report. His personal service-learning experience at Casady with Movies and Literature with a cause
-Tea Time by Sage... after chapel or trancept and during YAC meeting: Hosts and Photographers
Thank you Goodie Bags/Gift/ Chocolate bar???
- National Volunteer April 10,14
11th: President Volunteer Service Awards at Chapel
Global Youth Service Days
14th Service Projects at Boys and Girls Club: Pinwheels, Creative Movement
15th Service Project with a non-profit. Pinwheels with elderly
16th Possible Day for Senior Send Off and dinner at Grand House
-Earth Day: April 22 Cypress Steppe working on a connection with an Eagle Scout Project Planters and the Mansion at the Waterford. There is a planting trees opportunity with Plant trees in Classen Ten Penn Neighborhood.
The event is on Saturday, April 23rd from 8am to 2pm. Volunteers needed from 8am to 10am (assist unloading trees and staging) or 10am to 2pm (form in groups and actually plant trees)
Sign up @: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/snivolunteer
Contact Person: Barbie Smalley, Community Organizer Neighborhood Alliance, 405.528.6322, 918.850.2932
-Strategic Planning for YAC 2016-2017: Sign-up Saturday, April 30, 9:00-noon. Harper Lunch provided from Hunan. Agenda items: Planning school year 2016-2017. Creating a description of officers duties, expectations, and ownership in creation of agendas.
*Digital Citizenship
Are you a giver or a Grinch?
Please answer the below questions as honestly as possible; there are no right or wrong answers. For the first 20 questions, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
The last five questions are about you, and they'll be used by our research team to better understand how altruism relates to factors like age and gender. We'll report next month on what the scores suggest about the Greater Good community.
When you're done, you'll get your score, learn more about the benefits of altruism, and find resources for boosting your habits of helping.
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