Seniors: Isaiah, Omar, MiAngila
Juniors: Safra and Mariam
Sophomores: Sahanya and Claire R. Thank you Sahanya for breakfast bars!
Freshmen: Aaron and Ahmed
NO minutes or pictures provided for the meeting
The agenda was limited to starting the Fleece Quilts for Positive Tomorrows, the last official YAC Random Acts of Kindness for the month of February. Nicole J. purchased the materials but was unable to attend the meeting. Her mother brought the materials at 7:30 am. The cost of the supplies was $78.
Isaiah facilitated the meeting. He reminded YAC members to sign-up at signupgenius to thank donors like Mr. Rainbolt.
Isaiah read the thank you note provided by Mr. Rainbolt and Mrs. Clay showed the two books Mr. Rainbolt sent for YAC and Casady Cares adults to read.
All other agenda items below stayed in the parking lot because YAC had to go to chapel.
The blanket from the Dare to Dream team will go to the kindergarten class at Positive Tomorrows after the group showcases projects.
-Warm Project: Blankets for Positive Tomorrows
-Rainbolt Visit Reflection and thank you note
1 Upcoming Projects
Ellie and Miranda's projects
New Project starting this Friday: Meeting at Vineyard 9:00-11:00
Book Project: I'm excited about the potential for creating Ms. Stout's book, as a service learning project and a collaboration between Casady and the Metropolitan Library System.
First things first: my schedule for the next week or so is a little busy because we're short-staffed right now. But I can arrange to go meet Ms. Stout with you either next Tuesday (2/28) between 8-10 am or between 12-2 pm, or next Friday (3/3) between 9-11 am. Let me know if any of those times could work.
I mentioned to you that the library system has a new service called Biblioboard, which is a digital library of indie and self-published books. Biblioboard has a component called Pressbooks, which allows a local author to design a book cover, compress images, and upload content into a digital book that then becomes part of the library's collection. All local books uploaded to Biblioboard also get reviewed by Library Journal and could potentially be highlighted if they get good reviews. This is still a new service for the library and I haven't yet been fully trained on it, but it would be a great tool for this project.
If Ms. Stout wants to publish a physical book and potentially sell it, there is also the possibility that this could be done through a new publishing arm of the Metropolitan Library System, the Park Hudson Press. The library just published a book in collaboration with the OKC Zoo called A Day at the Zoo, and we set up a publishing press to do that, with the thought of possibly publishing more collaborative books in the future. If you want to explore this possibility, I'll have to run it past the administration and they'll probably want the library to have final say over the editing of the book, to make sure the quality is such that we want our name attached to it. Again, this is another new initiative, but one that could potentially be helpful for what we want to do.
Elisabeth Wright
Young Adult Librarian
Village Library
Currently Reading: Make Your Home Among Strangers, by Jennine Capo Crucet
Young Adult Librarian
Village Library
Currently Reading: Make Your Home Among Strangers, by Jennine Capo Crucet
2 National Service Learning Conference
-Quilt Help
-Ideas for the Showcase
3. Items from the floor
-Re-schedule grant writing workshop
-YAC 2017-2018 officers
-Strategic Planning for YAC and interested clubs date/time/facilitator: Mr. Evan Walter
Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of February. If you have not reported hours served yet, please do so ASAP. After your hours are verified and entered in personal service report files, transcript and report cards, you need to create or update your file at the Presidential award website. The service learning office is only able to order awards from the Presidential Award website. Awards are delivered at chapel during National Volunteer Week in April. 16 year old and older qualify with 100+ hours of service. Younger students qualify with a minimum of 50 hours.
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