Mrs. Clay stated that she would like Luke to consider having a registration time at the Latino Community Development Agency. Luke and Mrs. Clay will visit LCDA's CEO after National Volunteer Week.
2. National Volunteer Week and Global Youth Service Days
-Flyer at bulletin boards will be updated. Medals will not be delivered at chapel on Monday. The award website was notified last week of their error, but "working on it" has been the only reply to phone messages and e-mails. The UD has an out of uniform Friday. Mr. Fyer will set up a green room at the YAC Community Room to film volunteer stories.
UPDATE: New opportunities; Registration at Casady Places to Serve Blog
April 10: Red Bud needs volunteers
April 16: Eating Disorders Walk 9:00-11:00 wants walkers $25 per individual.
April 17: Interfaith Alliance will be creating a community garden @ US Grant High School
3.. Projects
Students Rebuild: Healing Classrooms: 849 pinwheels from Sept to March. Last mail 4/4/2016
Senior Send Off:Service/Learning Banquet Date/Invitations Was mentioned, but May 9th still as the most possible one. We need to confirm with Grand House next week and seniors need to give list of invitees.
3. Strategic Planning: Saturday, April 30, 9:00-12 Lunch by Grand House. Dylan reminded YAC members, but no one has signed up yet. The below schedule was a result of past strategic planning times.
4. National and International Opportunities ON PARKING LOT
Memorial Weekend: TIDE Conference Emerson College in Boston May 27-29
Casady Service-Learning Casady in Singapore at Temasek Polytechnic http://www.tp.edu.sg/, Center for Trans-cultural Studies http://www.tp.edu.sg/centres/centre-for-transcultural-studies#tab1
Last YAC meeting: May 9th
Casady Service Learning Councils
Youth Active in the Community
Help Find Passions to Serve
Service Opportunities
for youth,to youth, by youth
Established 2005, Grayson Walker’ ’07
Youth Leaders Engaging Across Differences
Reflect Connect Act
Cultural Competency, Identity and Diversity Education Youth Board
Established 2011, Sidney Jones ’15, Sam Karchmer’15, DanĂ© Norwood’15, Sirenee Khadre’16
Meets weekly on Tuesdays from 10:06 to 10:40 a.m. in Harper Memorial Wing, building adjacent to Chapel.
Meets first Sunday of the month, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at rotating Oklahoma City member high schools , default locations being the YMCA Corporate Headquarters and Casady School Harper Wing
Direct/indirect advocacy and research volunteer opportunities and service learning experiences. This aims to empower members to find their passion to serve.
Direct/indirect advocacy and research service learning experiences with youth voice and choice. This aims to develop 21st century skills and global citizenship.
2015-16 Theme: Children
Focus Areas: Literacy, Health, Poverty, Self Esteem
August: Clubs Fair; YAC Open Houses;
Reading Pals : Bodine Elementary mentors - Seniors
September: Peace Week includes 11 days of Global Unity; The World Peace Village; Pinwheels for Syrian Refugee Children-Students Rebuild Challenge October: Hunger Week includes Casady Cans Do Food Drive; OKC Regional Food Bank service days-Freshmen; Fall Fest Clubs fundraiser.
November; Family Volunteering: Health Project: Placemats/Art Activity for Children Hospital-Juniors
December: Holiday Volunteering, Health Project:: Blood Drive-Seniors, Classroom with a Cause: ICS Hope for the Holidays Project
January: Martin Luther King Jr. Day: A Day Of Service; MD: Food Bank, UD: Rebuilding Together: Literacy-Seniors, YLOKCasady: Oklahoma Memorial, Roots of Service Quilt
February: Random Acts of Kindness- Literacy-All grades. Kindness School Challenge: Reading Blankets for PT
March: Alternative Spring Break for YAC members - Composting: April 23 led by Anna Mann, April 31: STUCO’s Walk-A-Thon
April: April 10-14 National Volunteer Week; Presidential Service Awards: April 11, Global Youth Service Days: April 14-16; Run to Remember; OKC Arts Festival, Fedex Time Strategic Planning, Saturday, April 30th facilitated by Casady’s Development Director, Mr. Evan Walter.
May Senior send off, YAC Community Celebration event: May 9th, Classroom with a Cause: A Perfect Pair Project: May 2-5.
June: FedEx Time Strategic Planning.2016-2017 via skype or google hangout facilitated by YAC Planning Team 2016-2017
July: Peace Week Planning via skype or google hangout.
Sunday, August 23, 2015 1:30pm – 6:30pm (Kick Off @ OK Kids Korral)
Friday, September 18: 3:00-7:00 pm Training @ Casady facilitated by Tabitha of Roots and Wings Consulting
Saturday, September 19 10:00am – 8:00pm (Training Retreat)@ Casady with Tabitha from Roots and Wings Consulting
Sunday, October 4, 2015 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Skill)
Sunday, November 1, 2015 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Skill)
Teen4Teens, Monday, Nov 2 12;00-2:00 pm (Experience)
Sunday, December 6, 2015 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Program)
Monday, December 7, 2015 Teens4Teens Experience @Metro Career Academy Teens4Teens Program
Sunday, January 10, 2016 1:30pm – 4:30pm (Skill)
Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum STEM advocacy
Monday, January 18, 2016 9:45-4:00 pm
MLK Day Experience @ the Memorial Museum, Roots of service quilt
Sunday, February 7, 2016 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Skill)
Advocacy Movies? Autism Event?
Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Program) Autism Event Planning: Kosher Pizza Cooking Class. Ushers and registration helpers of Muslim/Jewish Film Institute screening of “A bottle at the Gaza Sea”
Sunday, April 3, 2016 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Senior Send Off) May 7: Autism Walk final Planning. Senior Send Off-Advocacy for diversity through exposure to multicultural dancing at International Dance Studio by studio owner, Guatemalan ballerina, Hazel Lopez
Saturday, May 7: Autism Walk 6:30 am-noon, Bricktown Ballpark
Friday May 27-Sunday May 29: TIDE Conference @ Emerson College in Boston facilitated by Youth LEAD online of Sharon,Mass
Sunday, June 5, 2016 1:30pm – 3:30pm (Planning for 2016-2017) via skype or google hangout
Meetings at YMCA Corporate Offices unless otherwise discussed.t 500 N. Broadway, Suite 500, OKC, OK 73102. Contact Persons: Carmen Clay, Casady Rainbolt Family Service-Learning Chair, 405.520-1325 (cell) clayc@casady.org or Shannon Presti Director of Teen Leadership Initiatives 405.361.8825 (Cell) spresti@ymcaokc.org,
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