Friday, February 24, 2017

YAC meeting, Monday, February 27, 7:30 am

7:30 am, Harper, February 27
Seniors: Isaiah, Omar, MiAngila
Juniors: Safra and Mariam
Sophomores: Sahanya and Claire R.  Thank you Sahanya for breakfast bars!
Freshmen: Aaron and Ahmed

NO minutes or pictures provided for the meeting

The agenda was limited to starting the Fleece Quilts for Positive Tomorrows, the last official YAC Random Acts of Kindness for the month of February.  Nicole J. purchased the materials but was unable to attend the meeting.  Her mother brought the materials at 7:30 am.  The cost of the supplies was $78.  

Isaiah facilitated the meeting.  He reminded YAC members to sign-up at signupgenius to thank donors like Mr. Rainbolt.

Isaiah read the thank you note provided by Mr. Rainbolt and Mrs. Clay showed the two books Mr. Rainbolt sent for YAC and Casady Cares adults to read.

All other agenda items below stayed in the parking lot because YAC had to go to chapel.


 The blanket from the Dare to Dream team will go to the kindergarten class at Positive Tomorrows after the group showcases projects.

-Warm Project:  Blankets for Positive Tomorrows
-Rainbolt Visit Reflection and thank you note

1 Upcoming Projects
Inline image 1Casady's Development Office Needs Volunteers to write thank you notes to donors March 7 during lunch and Activities at the Wing.  Taco truck lunch provided.   Sign-up at

Ellie and Miranda's projects

New Project starting this Friday:  Meeting at Vineyard 9:00-11:00
Book Project:  I'm excited about the potential for creating Ms. Stout's book, as a service learning project and a collaboration between Casady and the Metropolitan Library System.

First things first: my schedule for the next week or so is a little busy because we're short-staffed right now. But I can arrange to go meet Ms. Stout with you either next Tuesday (2/28) between 8-10 am or between 12-2 pm, or next Friday (3/3) between 9-11 am. Let me know if any of those times could work.
I mentioned to you that the library system has a new service called Biblioboard, which is a digital library of indie and self-published books. Biblioboard has a component called Pressbooks, which allows a local author to design a book cover, compress images, and upload content into a digital book that then becomes part of the library's collection. All local books uploaded to Biblioboard also get reviewed by Library Journal and could potentially be highlighted if they get good reviews. This is still a new service for the library and I haven't yet been fully trained on it, but it would be a great tool for this project.
If Ms. Stout wants to publish a physical book and potentially sell it, there is also the possibility that this could be done through a new publishing arm of the Metropolitan Library System, the Park Hudson Press. The library just published a book in collaboration with the OKC Zoo called A Day at the Zoo, and we set up a publishing press to do that, with the thought of possibly publishing more collaborative books in the future. If you want to explore this possibility, I'll have to run it past the administration and they'll probably want the library to have final say over the editing of the book, to make sure the quality is such that we want our name attached to it. Again, this is another new initiative, but one that could potentially be helpful for what we want to do.
Elisabeth Wright
Young Adult Librarian
Village Library
Currently Reading: Make Your Home Among Strangers, by Jennine Capo Crucet

2 National Service Learning Conference
-Quilt Help
-Ideas for the Showcase

3. Items from the floor
-Re-schedule grant writing workshop
-YAC 2017-2018 officers
-Strategic Planning for YAC and interested clubs date/time/facilitator: Mr. Evan Walter


Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of February.  If you have not reported hours served yet, please do so ASAP.  After your hours are verified and entered in personal service report files, transcript and report cards, you need to create or update your file at the Presidential award website.  The service learning office is only able to order awards from the Presidential Award website.  Awards are delivered at chapel during National Volunteer Week in April.  16 year old and older qualify with 100+ hours of service.  Younger students qualify with a minimum of 50 hours.

Lunch with Mr Rainbolt

Photos by Aaron P.'20


Joan K.* Coach Bonfiglio, Coach T., Father Marlin*, Father Blizzard*,  Mr. Evan Walter*, Dr. Wesley Fryer*, Dr. Sara Price*, Mrs. Small*, Mrs. Clay*, Mrs. Betty Jane Garrett 


Available Casady Cares adults visited with Mr. Rainbolt at the Wing conference room.  Faculty, administration, and Oklahoma non-profits, such as the Respect Diversity Foundation of Oklahoma are resources for teen initiatives that help actualize the mission of the Casady service club, YAC (Youth Active in the Community).  YAC's why is to participate in the community to improve lives.
Mr. Rainbolt asked us to reflect on how our projects are aiming to lessen the "economic, capitalistic Darwinism" and empower our students to use their education to change "opportunity in life," because education is the lever that creates prosperity from poverty.  

12:30-1:30 (Lunch and Activities)











"Honestly, I did not know so much service was going on.  It was great to meet Mr. Rainbot and learned about the projects around campus and in the Oklahoma City community."  Members of the Junior Class.


Freshmen:       Saadia N. Jacob B. Malavika R. Aaron P. Ahmed H., Ellie T., Cooper L. (7)        
Sophomores:   Sahanya B., Katherine S., Ellie G., Anna B. Hallie R., Brooklyn D., Justin S., Brandon T. Hannah H. (9)
Juniors:            Safra S. Mariam S. Luke A., , Gabrielle M. (4) 
Seniors:           MiAngila G., Jack R., Johnny L., Calvin T., Jake U., Josh B., Miranda T., Isaiah L. Barry Z., Caitlyn , Nicole Jia (11)
Adults:             Father Marlin, Mr Evan Walter, Dr Wesley Fryer, Mr. Kelly, Dr. Sara Price, Mrs. Small,Mrs Clay, Dr. Carlos Torres

Cyclone servant leaders ate lunch and shared "their service spark" with Mr. Gene Rainbolt, benefactor of the Service-Learning Program.  The Rainbolt Family has an endowment at the Oklahoma Community Foundation for the service learning program to be part of the Casady education for perpetuity. Mr. Rainbolt received yearly reports from the program director at first. Then, reports came in the form of informal conversations with YAC students about the difference they were making in the community.  

The lunch dialog was a collaborative reflection of what Cyclones are doing to be the change they want to see. Freshmen Saadia N. and Aaron P. created a PP with sample YAC projects and Mrs. Carmen Clay, Rainbolt Family Service-Learning Chair reported on the program of the current academic year with a PP, which will also support a Cyclone showcase at the 28th National Service-Learning Conference in Anaheim, California.  Freshman Cooper L. and sophomores Sahanya B. and Mason T. will be showcasing their projects and motivating youth and adults at the conference to bring similar initiatives to their communities.

As a token of Casady YAC's appreciation, Mr. Rainbolt received a t-shirt and roots of service drawings quilt designed by freshman Malavika R. under the guidance of our master quilter and CFO, Mrs Shirley Small.  YAC students learned how to make a quilt and how to sew as they created the quilt.  Mr. Rainbolt also received an orchid plant to add to his garden.

"Education changes the opportunity in life.  It might be a teacher, it might be a subject, (it might be a buddy or a mentor) but education as such is the lever that creates prosperity from poverty" -Gene Rainbolt

YAC meeting , February 20, 7:30 am minutes

No minutes or pictures were provided

Meeting called and facilitated by Miranda
1 Ranbolt visit reminder
2. Sign-up to volunteer as ushers for musical reminder
3. Watrr Project Update by Aaron
4  Perfect Pair and Conservation Projects updates by Ellie

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Random Acts of Kindness Week: Invitation to Participate

Random Acts of Kindness week (#RAKWeek2017), Feb 12-18, is an annual opportunity to unite through kindness. 

It all starts with one act – one smile, one coffee for a stranger, one favor for a friend. It’s an opportunity for participants to leave the world better than they found it and inspire others to do the same.


This seven-day celebration demonstrates that kindness is contagious. Catch someone doing an act of kindness and write it in our Rachel's Challenge: Kindness Chain Reaction Strips available at every building at bulletin boards in the UD and at teachers' lounges "kindness buckets" in all divisions.

Away from Casady!, turn in your kindness to

This video was a creative, kind way to demonstrate similarities of a very diverse world.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

YAC meeting, Harper, 7:30 am February 20,2017

February 6th Meeting Minutes 7:45-7:55 am
Cooper and Mrs. Clay attended

1. Updates on Rachel's Challenge and Kindness Week (RAK WEEK)
a. Lollipops bought.  Nicole will ask us when she needs our help to place them on lockers like we did last year.
b.Positive Tomorrow's volunteer coordinator has not contacted us back about the Warm project.  
c. Cooper will place buckets of kindness at Teachers' lounges.  During RAK Week (12-18 of February), we will give gratitude treat to all teachers.  We will place chocolate mints on their mailboxes on Valentine's Day.

Random Acts of Kindness week (#RAKWeek2017), Feb 12-18, is an annual opportunity to unite through kindness. 

It all starts with one act – one smile, one coffee for a stranger, one favor for a friend. It’s an opportunity for participants to leave the world better than they found it and inspire others to do the same.


This seven-day celebration demonstrates that kindness is contagious. Catch someone doing an act of kindness and write it in our Rachel's Challenge: Kindness Chain Reaction Strips available at every building at bulletin boards in the UD and at teachers' lounges "kindness buckets" in all divisions.

3. The quilt for Mr. Rainbolt is almost finished.  The quilt we hope to take to Anaheim needs helpers!   

Suggested Agenda  On Parking LOT until Monday, January 20th.

YAC Activities at Harper this week  
Kindness Chain Reaction, Uplift Hands, I am Poem, and Roots and Fruit of Service Quilt Patches


Congratulations to Casady Cyclones for beating HH bringing donations and going to Johnnie's to raise funds and sports equipment for Cleats-4-Kids! Caitlyn will announce the out of uniform day at chapel as well as the results.

1.  Development Office needs gratitude ambassadors:  Go to and sign-up to volunteer with Isaiah, Miranda, Sahanya, and MiAngila thanking donors such as Mr. Rainbolt for their generosity which helps Casady provide the funding not covered by tuition.  As a non-profit, Casady has to fund raise every year part of its operating budget.  

2. Mrs.Clay will not be at the office Wednesday and Thursday this Week.  Have a great SPC.

3. Archives Volunteer Day on Saturday, February, 25th,9:00 am to 3:00 pm in Crabtree. Sign-up at the YAC Community Center Volunteer Wall or contact Lisa D. Meehan '87 | Director of Alumni Relations, (o) (405) 749-3162 | (c) (806)576-8001 |

4. The Casady Musical needs volunteer ushers  Feb 16-18 needs 4-5 ushers per night. A student or 2 at each theater entrance and a student helping at the ticket table.  Each volunteer will get a comp ticket to the performance that night. You will report to a mother at Fee the day of your volunteer assignment Sign up at the YAC Community Center Wall in Harper or email

5.  After School at Boys and Girls Club:  Sahanya B is organizing after school at Boys and Girls Club on Friday, February 24, 2017.  Sign-up at the YAC Community Center Wall.  If you need transportation, Mrs. Clay will reserve the Casady Van if needed. Van will leave from the chapel parking lot at 3:45 pm and return at 6:45 pm.

6. Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of February.  Hours certified by S-L office must be inputted at the award website.  Mrs. Clay orders the PSA awards from the PSA website.

7. Grant Writing and Service Opportunity:  Mrs. Adrienne Adrienne B. Elder,, 
Mrs Elder will show YAC the ABC's of Grant Writing on Tuesday, Feb. 14th during Activities (1:10-1:40).  Mrs Elder is also looking for a couple of YAC students to attend our Girl Scout Daisy meeting, Mar. 8th or April 12th from 3:15 - 4:30 pm. Mrs. Elder would love the scout girls to learn more about Catching Kindness from YAC members.

Old Business:   Project Updates

1  "Service Sparks Dialog Lunch" with Mr. Gene Rainbolt Tuesday, February 21, 12:35 at Casady Wing:  Gratitude Quilt/PP/Invitation/Hosts (process) Malavika, Saadia, Aaron, Mrs Clay

Meal: Pork with Yakisoba Noodles

Freshmen:      Saadia N. Jacob B. Malavika R. Aaron P. Ahmed, Ellie T., Cooper R. (7)
Sophomores:   Sahanya B., Katherine S., Ellie G., Anna B. (4)
Juniors:           Safra S. Mariam S. Luke A. (3)
Seniors:          MiAngila G., Jack R., Johnny L., Calvin T., Jake U., Josh B., Miranda T., Isaiah L. (8)
Adults:           Meet Mr. Rainbolt at noon at the Wing conference room.  Some may stay for lunch at 12:31
From the greater OKC Community: Joan K. (Respect Diversity Foundation)
From Casady School: Casady Cares Team: Mr. Sheldon, Coach Bonfiglio, Coach T., Father Marlin, Father Blizzard, Father Youmans, Mr. Evan Walter, Dr. Wesley Fryer, Mr. Kelley, Dr. Sara Price, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Clay (14)

2. Development Office Gratitude Cyclone Ambassadors: Come write notes to Casady's major donors thanking them for their generosity by sharing the impact that their gift has had on your educational experience. The event will be on March 7th at 12:30 p.m. in the Woolsey House Wing. Lunch from Big Truck Tacos will be provided courtesy of the Casady Development Office. Please click on the link below to view the online sign-up sheet and thank you for playing a part in the success of the 2016-17 Casady Annual Fund!

3. Rachel's Challenge: Chain Reaction of Kindness-Global Interfaith Harmony Compassion online Games, RAK Week, National Kindness Day: Cooper and Nicole 

4.  National Service Learning Conference Table Quilt needs volunteers.  Goal: Finish before Spring Break

5. Seniors completing the graduation requirement: Invite them to Boys and Girls Club. Mrs Clay will send a 5th "gentle reminder e-mail to students, parents and advisors this week."  Goal:  All finish after Spring Break

6. Mentoring Projects:
-Stanley Hupfeld Academy: Eric
-Best Buddies Will visit Special Care February 7, 2017,  during the double: Sign-up with Zac  Warn coaches that you might be a few minutes late to practice.

7 Homeless Alliance: Perfect Pair Date:  Ellie 

New Business:  New Projects

1. Mrs. Finley's Project with former Cyclone and elementary school teacher

2. Come and Read with Me Summer program  Flyers on bulletin boards

3. National Foreign Language Week:  March 5-11: UCO Japanese students @ Harper and at MD International Club. Possible speaker during Music, Activities and Double  "Tea time with change dreamers: Don Quijote and Cervantes"  

4. National Volunteer Week: Presidential Awards, Chapel Speaker, Celebration Activity:  Mrs. Clay. Possible High tea celebration at Records!?  

5. 2016-2017 Fedex, Strategic Planning: Safra and Mariam  

6. Environmental Initiatives (Animals): Miranda, Ellie, Dr. Fryer

7. Senior Send Off: Date/Time/Activity

From the Floor

1. .Evaluation and Follow-up: MLK Day at the Food Bank, Winter Clothing for Centennial High School, Track for Johnson Elementary, and Cleats for Kids   Isaiah, Caitlyn, Aaron, Safra and Mariam

2.  ISAS Arts Festival Volunteers: Grace

3.  STUCO's Walk-A-Thon : ?

4. Youth LEAD OKC
a. Multicultural OKC Tapestry and Deep Listening Dialog at the OK Memorial and Museum Experience:  Jack R. started the conversation with the Museum  Date and school that will benefit from this experience will be announced as soon as it is determined by the Museum and the YMCA.

b. TIDE Conference 2017 will be at a University in Boston on Memorial Weekend.  See details of past TIDE Conferences at

5. ?