Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween YAC meeting: Socktober results, Food Drive Update, Fall Fest report

Agenda for October 31st meeting
Minutes by Tina.  Saadia and Evie facilitated the agenda
Attendance By Sharun
Seniors: Sharun, Chris (late)
Juniors: Evi
Sophomores: Saadia (left early for math)
Freshmen: Tina, Lauren, Ava, Isabela

1. Activity by Ali.  Ali did not attend the meeting
We shared about an aspect of our lives very a few people know about
2. Make a couple of can costumes: one for LD and one for MD if Ruby brings supplies  Ruby did not bring the supplies

3. Reflection and Feedback
- Fall Fest Mrs. Clay asked if anyone saw the tutu costume Claire allowed us to borrowed. YAC needs to replace the Tutu costume if not found.

- SockTober
We counted 335 pairs of new socks.  There were some donations of used socks and shoes that were not consider in the total.
It would have been nice to see more YAC volunteers helping Claire.  Thank you to Aaron and Cate =)
4. Food Drive 2017 

Food Drive Results HERE.  Spreadsheet HERE  YAC Organizational PP HERE

Freshman team reported that everything was going well.

Memories at

Volunteers reflect via padlet at end of their volunteer experience ON PARKING LOT

Thank you to the ones who volunteered on Monday and Tuesday
Upper (7:15-8:15) : Mariam, Safra(late), Cate R., Isabela
Middle(7:15-8:15): Dylan V.
Lower(7:15-8:15): Claire R. Ellie, Hannah H., Anna B. 
Primary (7:30-8:15): Lauren, Ava, Yasmin
Tuesday E Day, October 31 - Dress Warm,  Happy Halloween
Upper (7:15-8:15) : Isabela, Tina, Eva
Middle(7:15-8:15): No UD Volunteers in UD
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie, Hannah H. Anna B,
Primary (7:30-8:15): Liz, Evie, Ali, 

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Wednesday F Day, November 1st, Dress Warm, All Souls Day
Upper (7:15-8:15) : Jordan W
Middle(7:15-8:15): Ava, Isabela
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie, Evie
Primary (7:30-8:15): Claire R., Chris G.

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Thursday, A Day, November 2nd: Dress Warm, Dia de los Muertos
Upper (7:15-8:15): Ava, Graeme J.
Middle(7:15-8:15): Malavika
Lower(7:15-8:15): Claire R., Ellie
Primary (7:30-8:15): Liz W. Evie W

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Friday, B Day, November 3rd.  Dress Warm
Upper (7:15-8:15): Isabela, Tina, Reese R.
Middle(7:15-8:15): Dylan V.
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie
Primary: (Walk of Hope at TBA)  Students dressed in cans needed to make the walk a bit more special for the Primary students.

Food Drive Results HERE.  Spreadsheet HERE  YAC Organizational PP HERE

Upcoming Projects
HALO Therapy Dogs November
Blood Drive and Infant Crisis Services Hope for the Holidays
Wheelchair track for Johnson Elementary

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Food Drive Volunteers still needed

Email sent to division directors, administrative assistants and drive volunteers on 10/29/2017

Thank you very much for participating in the Casady Cans Do, Students Against Hunger Food and Fund Drive 2017.

Please find below, UD students who will miss chapel to help with the Food Drive needs at different divisions.  
They are expected:
1. To be on time to their post.  Sign in and out on giant posted notes. Be on time to class at 8:30 am.
2. Help as needed (Wear can costume, remind donors to bring cans or money, count cans, count money, take pictures and/or videos, reflect their experience on PADLET)
3. Money boxes should be left with 
PD: Mrs. Dillier Inline image 1, LD: Mrs. Steinke Inline image 2, 
MD: Mrs. Goodwin Inline image 3.  UD: Mrs. Jenkins at Blaik Hall Inline image 4

4. Cans in the UD, MD, LD will be picked up by staff after 8:30 a.m. and taken to the Food Bank trailer, which is parked at the MD parking lot.  The PD has a Walk of Hope and they take all their cans to the trailer personally.

YAC invites you to follow the drive at  Thank you!

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Monday D Day, October 30 - Dress Warm
Upper (7:15-8:15) : Mariam, Safra(late), Cate R., Isabela
Middle(7:15-8:15): Dylan V.
Lower(7:15-8:15): Claire R. Ellie, Hannah H., Anna B. (Full)
Primary (7:30-8:15): Lauren, Ava, Yasmin

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Tuesday E Day, October 31 - Dress Warm,  Happy Halloween
Upper (7:15-8:15) : Isabela, Tina, Eva
Middle(7:15-8:15): Cooper
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie, Hannah H.
Primary (7:30-8:15): Liz, Evie, Ali

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Wednesday F Day, November 1st, Dress Warm, All Souls Day
Upper (7:15-8:15) : 
Middle(7:15-8:15): Ava, Isabela
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie, Evie
Primary (7:30-8:15): Claire R., Chris G.

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Thursday, A Day, November 2nd: Dress Warm, Dia de los Muertos
Upper (7:15-8:15): Ava, Graeme J.
Middle(7:15-8:15): Malavika
Lower(7:15-8:15): Claire R., Ellie
Primary (7:30-8:15): Liz W. Evie W

Volunteering at Food Bank Drive Friday, B Day, November 3rd.  Dress Warm
Upper (7:15-8:15): Isabela, Tina, Reese R.
Middle(7:15-8:15): Dylan V.
Lower(7:15-8:15): Ellie
Primary: (Walk of Hope at TBA)  Students dressed in cans needed to make the walk a bit more special for the Primary students.

Freshmen present food drive to UD

The UD Casady Cans Do Food Drive 2017 process this year is facilitated by a freshman team composed by Tina (Chair), Isabela, and Ava.   The team prepared a PP that was presented at UD Chapel.  

The UD will have an all grades competition for an out of uniform at a time selected by Coach T.  The freshman team also will be promoting a food raffle.  Winners will be announced at the end of the drive, Friday morning, at Chapel.

Upper Division
Food-4-Food Competition
  • Food-Bank-Shopping-List-Most-needed-items.png Winning class will get an out of uniform
  • file_2.jpg
    Daily Food-4-Food Raffle.  Every 6 cans, one ticket
  • Winners will be announced Friday during chapel

Casady Food Drive 2017 Volunteers

Father Blizzard has excused the volunteers from chapel.  Volunteers get an hour of service-learning credit for: 
_ Volunteers motivate students and faculty to donate, dress in cans, with music, and enthusiastic voices on behalf of the Oklahoma hungry.  
_ Volunteers are expected to report on time to assigned locations and be on time to first hour class at 8:30 am.
_ Volunteers will count cans and monetary donations.  The monetary donations will be left with the Administrative Assistants in the Primary Mrs. Dillier, Lower, Mrs. Steike, Middle Division, Mrs. Goodwin, UD Division with Mrs. Jenkins at Blaik Hall.  
_ Mrs. Clay will pick-up monetary donations from administrative assistants daily and take them to Mrs. Jenkins at Blaik.   
_ Cans will be picked up by staff by 8:30 am in all divisions except the PD. Staff takes donations to the trailer parked by the Middle Division.
_ Primary Division has a Walk of Hope.  They take their cans to the trailer. Date: TBA by Mrs. Sharp.

_At the end of the drive, a check for the total of Casady donations will be delivered to the Food Bank by  YAC members volunteering at the Volunteer Center on Saturday, November 4th.  The can donations will be transported to the Food Bank by their trailer, which arrived on campus, today, Friday 10/27/2017.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10/24/2017 YAC Meeting

YAC welcomes Caroline H. and Sarah A.

-Get service hours:  Arrive at 7:15 Leave at 8:15
-Excused from Chapel

Food Drive 2017
Seniors: Safra, Mariam, Sharun, Christopher
Juniors: Caroline H., Ali, Meg B., Evie W., Hannah H., Liz W.,Sara A., Katherine S.
Sophomores: Saadia
Freshmen: Grace U., Gabriella K., Katherine H., Tina N., Lauren W., Ava R., Abbey K., Isabela P.  

- Labeling the boxes and taking them to their respective divisions
Primary:  3 boxes   
Adult Facilitators:  Mrs. Jane Sharp, Director, and Mrs. Karen Dillier  
Lower Division: Mrs. Anne France, and Mrs. Jaime Steinke 
Middle Division:  Father Youmans, Mrs. Omelia, and Mrs. Stacey Goodwin 
Upper Division:  Mrs. Clay, and Mrs. Melissa Jenkins at Blaik Hall
Mrs. Jenkins ordered 4 money boxes, one per division to collect donated funds: Cash and checks.

1.  Marketing the Drive:  Posters were delivered throughout the day.  Flyers by Ellie/Mrs. Clay and Isabela and letter to the Casady Community by Malavika were revised and sent to divisions and marketing department.  Letters are set with the Wednesday pockets at the LD and PD

2. Finalize the UD FD process:  The freshman team and the Co-Presidents finished the process which will be unveiled Friday at Chapel.  Mrs. Clay reminded the team that everything has to be cleared through Coach T. and Dr. Powell needs to be informed. YAC runs the whole UD drive.

PD Process:  PD collects, keeps all their donated cans until Thursday.  They have a Walk of Hope when they take their cans to the trailer.  They like to see how many cans they are donating.  YAC helps with volunteers who come to remind them to bring cans and count cans daily.  Volunteers should write the numbers donated each day with BIG COLORFUL NUMBERS.

LD Process:  They do not have competitions with prizes.  They simply like to see how many cans they bring each day and learn about percentages.  YAC helps remind donors to bring cans and provides numbers donated and %

MD Process:  They have house competitions.  They have a group reminding people to bring cans.  YAC helps to count cans, and whatever Father Youmans and Mrs. O'melia need to be done for the drive during the drive.
Middle Division

4. Delivery of boxes and posters to divisions:  Mrs. Clay delivered the posters in the morning as she checked with division adult facilitators of the drive about their need to pick-up donations or not daily.  
Lower Division
YAC members delivered the boxes to divisions during the meeting time.   Thank you to all the YAC members who wrote the grades/houses and delivered the boxes.

5. Pick up of can donations
-UD, MD, and LD need to have donations picked up by staff by 9:00 am.  
 UD main drop off is the Student Center, but there are boxes at each division that need to be check by volunteers at 8:00 am and donations need to be brought to the Student Center for pick-up by our staff if they are to be counted in the daily totals.

-PD will keep all their donations and delivered them to the Food Bank Trailer which will arrive on campus this coming Friday afternoon or early morning Monday.

6. Pick up Cash and checks
Volunteers should leave the money boxes with the divisional secretaries.  UD box should be taken to Mrs. Jenkins at Blake.
Monetary donations in the UD need to be collected and the name of the donor written on the Funds for Food for Kids sheet.
Count how much money was donated.  Place the number and the signature of the volunteered who counted on the envelope provided.

7. List of Volunteers with names: Forthcoming.
Hope to have it finalized by Thursday at the end of the day.  Special thanks to Sharun P for making the wall list and to Sharun and Saadia

PD Division Volunteers report at 7:30 and stay until 8:15
Monday, October 30th - D Day
Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween: Hunger Hero Costume Contest) - E Day
Wednesday, November 1st _ F Day
Thursday, November 2 - A Day
Friday, November 3 - B-Day

LD Division Volunteers report at 7:15 and stay until 8:15
Monday, October 30th - D Day
Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween: Hunger Hero Costume Contest) - E Day
Wednesday, November 1st _ F Day
Thursday, November 2 - A Day
Friday, November 3 - B-Day

MD Division Volunteers report at 7:15 and stay until 8:15
Monday, October 30th - D Day
Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween: Hunger Hero Costume Contest) - E Day
Wednesday, November 1st _ F Day
Thursday, November 2 - A Day
Friday, November 3 - B-Day

UD Division Volunteers report at 7:15 and stay until 8:15
Monday, October 30th - D Day
Tuesday, October 31st (Halloween: Hunger Hero Costume Contest) - E Day
Wednesday, November 1st _ F Day
Thursday, November 2 - A Day
Friday, November 3 - B-Day

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

YAC meeting 10/17/2017

Agenda and Minutes
We welcome back to school and YAC:  Hannah H.

Agenda facilitated by Co-Presidents and 
Minutes by Mrs. Clay
Attendance by Sharun
Photos by Hannah

Freshmen: Tina, Reese,  Ava, Laura, Kate, Isabela
Sophomores:  Aaron P (came to sign-up), Cooper L, Saadia N.,
Juniors: Ellie, Claire(late), Hannah H (1/2 meeting), Liz
Seniors: Safra, Mariam, Sharun (late)

Hospitality Chair Activity:  Making boxes and placing food drive dates in posters 

Food Drive 2017
Food Drive: October 30-Nov 3.  Halloween:  Hunger Hero, special prize costume???
a. Goal: Beat last year's results
b. Speaker:  Natalie Wood:  All chapels
c. Process:  Freshman team will meet on Wednesday morning before chapel to make process decisions.  We heard from Sarah G and what she did at her school.  Division of grades in Hunger Game teams.  Incentives from restaurants:  Food 4 Food:  Bring food, get a chance to 
d. Marketing and Incentives
d. Letter to all division and OKC community by secretaries
e. Responsibilities
f. Sign-up to volunteer at YAC Community Room Wall
g. Social Media help- Marketing Department Help  Hannah will be the YAC officers handling this YAC need.

h. Making posters for the drive:  Freshman team will make them and provide receipts for items purchased.

Dress Up Day at Boys and Girls Club, Friday, October 27:  Mariam and Safra:  This is a kids cafe, after school food for kids program of the food bank.  On parking lot

Service Opportunity at Food Bank this Saturday, October 21  Will be in daily announcements until Thursday.  If no one signs up, it will be cancelled.

Make a Difference Day at Food Bank, Saturday, October 28th, ON PARKING LOT

Fall Fest Final Details
Treasury report:  No time for this
Goal:  Double the money spent on supplies:  $60
Activities: Jenga, Photo Booth, Wild Life Bake Sale
Supplies needed are at Mrs. Clay office for the set-up team to take to Fall Fest


Dig Pink- Pink OUT game tomorrow.  Attend and support Volleyball team effort

SockOctober for Citizens Caring for Children
Claire's Drive is next week.  10/23-10/27. 

Claire is a member of the Youth Board of Citizens Caring for children
Bring Socks.  Donation box at Harper.
Claire still needs more volunteers for collection of socks next week.

For more than 30 years, Citizens Caring for Children has provided for children living in foster care by meeting their material, emotional, and intellectual needs.  After bringing many abused and neglected children into their hearts and home, an Edmond foster family knew first-hand the unaddressed need of clothing and resources children in foster care face after leaving all of their personal belongings behind. They knew more could be done to meet the basic needs of these children and founded Citizens Caring for Children in 1984.

Today, Citizens Caring for Children is still committed to the agency's original vision of providing hope, changing lives and creating healthy futures for children in foster care. Citizens Caring for Children meets the needs of more than 1,500 Oklahoma children in foster care 

Welcome to the Facing Difference Challenge!

We've launched the Facing Difference Challenge: to help educators worldwide empower young people to reflect and take action toward building understanding, empathy, and peace.
By joining the Challenge, young people will create a meaningful self-portrait that reflects their sense of identity. Each portrait submitted generates funding from the Bezos Family Foundation—up to $600,000—to support programs run by CARE and Search for Common Ground, helping youth on different sides of conflict build peace.

It starts with you! Register here.

Differences help define who we are, and engaging with people who are different - sharing stories and learning about their experiences - broadens our own perspectives and makes us more creative, innovative, and aware. Why then is it so difficult to meaningfully engage with people and ideas that are different from our own? 
When we choose to avoid or ignore our differences, understanding can be replaced by division. This is happening in ways big and small, from bullying in our schools, to clashes in our communities, to civil wars waging around the globe.

Ready to take the Challenge right now? 

For a more detailed overview of everything you'll need to take the Challenge, read the Leader Guide. You can also take a look at our Learning Resources and Support Tools pages!
Take a look at all of the teams taking the Facing Difference Challenge - and find yours - on our team map (click here for an enlarged version):
Urban Mission Santa Store 2017
It’s nearly our favorite time of year! Santa Store will take place on Saturday, December 9th, 2017 from 9:00 AM—12:00 PM. We are so excited to bring Christmas to hundreds of families in need. However, we cannot do it without your help!
We love having volunteers partner up with us to make this event happen! If you are interested in working the Santa Store or would like to sign up a group, please email us at or call us at 405-946-1556. This year we will have only one shift for volunteers from 8:30 AM—12:00 PM.

Urban Mission Santa's Store take place at 3737 N Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, (405) 946-1556

Sunday, October 8, 2017

YAC meeting 10/10/2017 at Harper

Minutes of the meeting by Claire R and brief additions by Mrs.  Clay

YAC minutes 10/10/17
Welcome Caroline H. and Mallory S.
Seniors:  Safra, Sharun
Juniors: Sahanya, Ali, Evi, Mason, Claire, Liz, Caroline, Mallory S.
Sophomores: Yasmin, Cooper, Saadia, Aaron
Freshmen: Gabriella K., Grace U., Katherine H., Abby K., Tina N., Lauren W., Isabel P., 
Meeting co-faciltated by Sahanya and Safra(a few minutes late)

Fall fest: 
  • jenga Mrs. Clay will have a Jenga for the kids who are waiting to get their picture finished.  
  • Photo booth: Idea from Claire, supplies and process from Cooper.  Helper: Sharun.  We will charge a $1.00.  Mr. Dema will help with some props.  Cooper will purchase the supplies through Casady credit card.  She also made a sign-up sheet. 
  • Need volunteers for Fall Fest, sign up by Mrs Clay’s office 
— bring all decorations and props by Wednesday
— we also need a background for the pictures (black/white sheet?) 
Bring food for bake sale 
  • Bake sale for wild life conservation fund.  Sign-up with Ellison 

Food Drive 
Speaker on the 25th 
This year, if you want service hours from drive, you have to write a reflection 
  • sign up to help during food drive! Sign-up at YAC room
  • Mrs. Clay will meet with the Freshman team organizers to see what the new ideas might be.  Only one of the freshmen had had time to read the Food Bank suggestions
  • Mrs. Clay said that this year we will be doing some electronic planning and reflecting.
October 30th - November 3rd 
Next Tuesday, setting up boxes from food bank.  All supplies from the Food Bank will be ready for YAC to personalized the drive. 

Citizens Caring for Children 
Oct 23rd - Oct 27th 
Bring new socks for children
Need volunteers, sign up sheet at YAC community room in Harper
Please help this project by Claire R.  It will be an UD only project. 

Hospitality Chair played a game that demonstrated how attentive one needs to be to see who becomes the leader of a project.

Speaker from Centennial

Main ideas: 
- Check Centennial's online planning and reflection tools designed by Chef Carrie, guest speaker.  

What would you do if you lost your home? What is your back up plan? 
A lot of kids in poorer environments are very resilient. They suffer through a lot of hardships all the time and they have to ready to answer that type of questions.  

  • They need our help, and we can make a difference in their lives! 
  • Students in Centennial when they bring cans for the Food Drive, they are bringing it for themselves.  Centennial is on 100% free meals, breakfast and lunch.



1. Fall Fest: Jenga, Bake Sale for Wild Life, Photo Booth, Sponsorship from Dave and Buster's

2. Food Drive: Chapel Speaker Presentation introductions needed all chapels.  Natalie Wood from Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.  Process for every division for the Food Drive.  Implementation of technology in reporting and reflecting

3. Drive Proposal from Claire. R.   Attendance to Youth Action March Report by Claire

4. Funding for projects:  Grant selection

5. Reflection and Feedback of peace week via



United Nations Association of Oklahoma Speaker also Interfaith Alliance Award Winner at annual award banquet.

United Nations Association of Oklahoma will feature guest speaker Jamie Caves. Jamie Caves is the president of Sisu Youth Services.  Sisu Youth Services began when a mother of five decided “there are no other options out there” was not an option.
Under Jamie’s leadership as president, Sisu Youth Services offers a safe and inviting overnight shelter. At-risk youth may use laundry, showers, a donation closet, hot meals, a food pantry, and more. Teens aged 15-17 may use the dorm, an overnight shelter.
“When we started, there were just no beds (in Oklahoma City) for unaccompanied minors,” Jamie told The Oklahoman.  The Oklahoma Association of Realtors recognized Jamie with the Community Rock Star Award. The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy recognized Sisu Youth Services with the 2016 Laura Choate Resilience Award.  Jamie’s work is in alignment with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Some examples are No Poverty, End Hunger, and Good Health and Well-Being. 
The United Nations Association of Oklahoma City is proud to host Jamie Caves at on October 26th at 6:30 PM at The Jones Assembly. RSVP on Facebook.