1:10 Harper
22 members attended. New sign-in sheet.
Seniors: Mariam and Safra
Juniors: Sahanya, Anna, Hannah H., Claire R., Katherine S.
Sophomores: Ahmed, Saadia, Reese
Freshmen: Katherine H., Graeme J., Abbey K., Isabela P., Ava R., Cate R., Grace U., Lauren W., Cam W.
Mrs Clay, Mr. David Crawford: Information about Blood Drive 2017 and Mrs. Watson: Blood Drive Speaker on 12/5.
Minutes by Anna B.
***Dates from ICS primary and Lower Division drive changed to 12/1
Sign up at Harper if you wish to volunteer. Contact Katherine S. for details
Upper Division ICS Drive will be December 11-15
Help decorate the Xmas Tree at the Gaylord Student Center today or tomorrow before lunch. Unused Xmas ornaments will be donated to Stanley Hupfeld Academy's Santa Store.
-Mrs. Clay's Xmas Present:
Write your "I AM From" Poem following the format below this weekend and send it to Mrs. Clay via email (clayc@casady.org) Poems will be shared with Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Clay Substitute teacher.
The link contains examples of poems written by Youth LEAD OKC youth and adults including Mrs. Clay's https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OQPicY6fCVdUGFREHJH5hOVtwf23QBRvZk-1Nz2VPIc/edit?usp=sharing.
Where I am From
*Youth LEAD and Casady Service-Learning YAC does not own or claim any right to this template.
I am from____________________________________________________,
(ordinary item that characterizes you)
(your favorite product name)
(some item that you hold precious)
I am from______________________________________________________________
(description of where you want to live)
(description of where you want to live)
(three adjectives that define it)
I am from the __________________________________________________________
(natural item, such as a flower)
(the importance of that item)
I am from ______________________________________________________________
(family tradition)
and ___________________________________________________________________.,
(family trait)
from ______________________________________ and ____________________________
(names of two family members)
and ______________________________________________________________________..
(another family name)
I am from the _______________________________________________________________
(description of family tendency)
(another tendency)
(something you were constantly told as a child)
and _______________________________________________________________________.
(another thing you were told)
I am from _________________________________________________________________.
(representation of religion or culture or lack of it)
(Description of what that religion, culture or non-culture means to you)
I'm from______________________________________________________________________,
(place of birth and family ancestry)
(two food items representing your family)
From the________________________________________________________________________,
(specific family story about a specific person and detail)
the ______________________________________________________________________________,
(another detail)
and _______________________________________________________________________________.
(a detail about a family member)
I am from ________________________________________________________________________.
(a dream you have)
- Mrs. Clay substitute visiting 11/28 at 3:30 pm. Her name is Sarah Smith. She will be the S-L Director during Mrs Clay "Family Leave" from December 6th to the end of March 2018.
Miss Smith's RESUME
- Bring gently used donations to Harper or to Sharun P. for Positive Directions Santa's Store @ Stanley Hupfeld Academy. Mrs. Clay will take donations from Mrs. Susan Peck to Stanley Hupfeld tomorrow.
- Fridays, 4:15-5:15 or 6:00 at Boys and Girls Club; Contact YAC VP, Sahanya B. if interested. There is a sign-up sheet at Harper
- Blood drive: Sign-up and permissions at main office. Mr. Crawford gave details of the drive. Mrs. Hannah Lu Watson- Bennett's grandmother- provided some food for thought. Mrs. Watson will have the drive facilitators (Claire R., Chris G., and Ellie G) to write the letter for marketing to send to the Casady Family.
Fliers were updated by Sharun P., after school. TV Screens already have reminders.
Blood Drive 2017 PP HERE
Wednesday, December 13, 7:30 am -12:30 pm @ Woolsey Wing
Claire Richardson'19, Christopher Goodall'18, and Ellison Guzzy'19 Blood Drive 2017 Chairs
Sign up and permissions at the main office
16 year olds MUST bring a signed permission slip and a photo ID to donate