Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Minutes of 2/27/2018 meeting

Advisory confli cted with  YAC so it wasn't attended very well.


Seniors:  Sharun P
Juniors: Claire R., Katherine S.

Minutes: by Miss Smith and Mrs. Clay

Stanley Hupfeld Positive Directions Last Mentoring Day:  March 7th.  
-SH pizza party next Wed - Sharun will get cookies and drinks, Katherine will come up with a game to play together, Ms. Smith will order pizza and get Mcdonald's gift cards to give as gifts to kids.
-Expected Attendance:  All six mentors

-No mentoring session on 2/28/2018 due to Parent Teacher Conferences

Friday, February 23, 2018

2/27/2018 Meeting

Suggested Agenda
David Fryburg: Inspiring Kindness Through Images

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.

- Henry James -

Thank you for making fleece blankets and keeping Project Warm ongoing.  Please send pictures of your making the blankets.  It is important to have images of kindness.  Check this out http://www.envisionkindness.org/

New Business
1. Perfect Pair Drive: Ellie Update
2. Peace House and Tulsa and OKC teens March for our Lives OKC
3. Reflection on Reverend Mother Tutu's visit

Old Business
1. Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows 
-Sharun P. will bring the supplies.  
-Positive Tomorrows needs to be contacted.  
contact Saundra Ogden at 405-556-5082.
2. YAC in social media update by Hannah
Please send link to Mrs. Clay  clayc@casady.org
3. YAC connection to Walkathon
a. Date of Walk-A-Thon
b. Sharun is working on bringing back HALO Dogs

4. YAC officers school year 2018-2019
Interest so far
Co-Presidents: Katherine, Sahanya, Ellie?
Co-Vice-Presidents: Hannah H.

5. PSA
-Did Father Blizzard provide a date at chapel?  National Volunteer Week is April 15-21 https://ww2.pointsoflight.org/nvw. The optimal deadline to order awards is at the end of February.

Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of this month.  
Ready to order: Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah Jordan  
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg 
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz, Sophia Dystra, Ava Rangel
Possible PSA:   See Miss Smith at Harper for help creating a PSA file 
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Katherine Schoeffler, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Ahmeed Hussan, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Malavika Rajaram, Ellie Taylor, Caroline Terrell,, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung, Noah Youmans
Freshmen: Neeley Patel

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2/20/2018 meeting

Minutes by Miss Smith
Sharun Philip
Ellison G
Katherine S
Hannah H

-Sharun will get blanket supplies for Project Warm and turn in receipt to office
-Ellison is setting up volunteers to collect goods fro Perfect Pair Drive
-Hannah is making social media post about the drive to share on Casady social media
-Ellison is sending us flyer to promote and announce at chapel
-Ms. Smith will contact Primary School about being involved

-Sharun is contacting therapy dogs folks for Walk-a-thon

Suggested Agenda 

1. Items form the floor- 
What is in the mind of YAC members that need to be addressed?

2.  YAC connections to Reverend Mother Tutu Visit
-Miss Smith moderator of questions
- I know Reverend Mother Tutu has been working with her dad on Forgiveness.  I am going to be learning about her work from your feedback and her visit.
-Her Father's work is the inspiration of Peace Week at Casady School.  He is one of the founders of We, The World, 11 Days of Global Unity (9/11-9/21 International Day of Peace).  
-Love Katherine's idea to call this neek, Peace Day Week next year.  This new name was provided by the Shinnoyen Foundation on an article they wrote about Casady's Peace Day Week 2017.  Check this out http://www.tutufoundationusa.org/peace3-2/

3. Perfect Pair Drive update

4. Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows update

5. YAC in social media update by Hannah

6. YAC connection to Walkathon
a. Date
b. How can YAC help?

7. YAC officers school year 2018-2019
Interest so far
Co-Presidents: Katherine, Sahanya, Ellie?
Co-Vice-Presidents: Hannah H.

7.. PSA
-Did Father Blizzard provide a date at chapel?  National Volunteer Week is April 15-21 https://ww2.pointsoflight.org/nvw. The optimal deadline to order awards is at the end of February.

Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of this month.  
Ready to order: Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah Jordan  
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg 
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz
Possible PSA:   See Miss Smith at Harper for help creating a PSA file 
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Katherine Schoeffler, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Ahmeed Hussan, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Malavika Rajaram, Ellie Taylor, Caroline Terrell,, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung, Noah Youmans
Freshmen: Sophia Dystra, Neeley Patel, Ava Rangel

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

YAC prepares to RAK the UD

Minutes by Miss Smith


Seniors:  Mariam, Safra, Sharun
Juniors:  Sahanya,  Ellie, Hannah H., Katherine S.
Freshmen :  Abbey K, Grace U

YAC worked on the Valentine's Day lolipop idea.  They put together baskets and note cards for folks to fill out and hand to their friends.  Ms. Smith will get dum dums at the store today.  The ladies decided who would be in charge of placing each basket where each class can access them tomorrow morning after chapel.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 13 Meeting


Special Civil Rights Speaker:  Reverend Mother  Naomi Tutu visits Casady, February 23, 2018.  Miss Smith will moderate questions.  YAC members met and volunteer with her father and Mother Tutu at a couple of National Service Learning Conference.  Her father is one of the founders of WE, THE WOLD, 11 Days of Global Unity which Casady calls Peace Week since 2012.  Next year the week will be called Peace Day Week as stated in the article written by the Shinnyo-en Foundation about Casady's Peace Day Week

Suggested Agenda

1. Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week

Celebrate #RAKWeek2018 (February 11-17, 2018by telling about the one person who inspires you to be a better human being!
  • Was it a teacher who saw something in you when no one else did?
  • Is it a neighbor who mowed your lawn when you were sick?
  • What about a family member who always encouraged you to do your best?
  • Maybe it was your friend who comforted you during a difficult time in your life? 
TO CELEBRATE RAK WEEK, SNAP A PHOTO OF THAT PERSON AND SHARE THEIR STORY https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/rak-week

2. Perfect Pair Drive update

3. Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows update

4. YAC in social media update by Hannah

5. YAC connection to Walkathon
a. Date
b. How can YAC help?

4. YAC officers school year 2018-2019
Interest so far
Co-Presidents: Katherine, Sahanya, Ellie?
Co-Vice-Presidents: Hannah H.

5. PSA
-Did Father Blizzard provide a date at chapel?  National Volunteer Week is April 15-21 https://ww2.pointsoflight.org/nvw. The optimal deadline to order awards is at the end of February.

Presidential Service Awards will be ordered at the end of this month.  
Ready to order: Seniors: Quinn Bunnag, Hannah Jordan  
Juniors: Caroline Hawley, Brandon Trachtenberg 
Sophomores: Doran Waters, Saadia Nazir
Freshmen: Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz
Possible PSA:   See Miss Smith at Harper for help creating a PSA file 
Seniors: Adam Hughes, Alexander Karam, Caleb Richards, Michael Ting, Melissa Vansant
Juniors: Courtney Melton, Katherine Schoeffler, Mason Thomas
Sophomores: Lucas Barrett, Ahmeed Hussan, Cooper Lindstrom, Nicolas Moore, Malavika Rajaram, Ellie Taylor, Caroline Terrell,, Olivia Uhland, Celine Voung, Noah Youmans
Freshmen: Sophia Dystra, Neeley Patel, Ava Rangel

Saturday, February 3, 2018

February 6 meeting


·        Seniors:   Mariam, Safra Shakir
        Juniors: Sahanya bhaktaram,  Ellison Guzzy, Caroline Hawley, Claire Richardson, Katherine Schoeffler
·         Freshman:  Gabriella Karam, Grace Utz

-Ask Coach T when the walk-a-thon dates are
-Ellison Guzzy - OKC Homeless Drive Feb 26-Mar 2 (collect donations)
-Ellison will ask Coach T about incentives for class that donates the most
-Valentine's Day Lolly Pop Nicegrams are a go
-Blankets for positive tomorrows set for early March
-Prez Award Due soon - start thinking about planning the breakfast - order awards? - send emails to folks who need to enter them -  Ms. Smith will talk to Mrs. Clay about this more


Black History Month
Random Acts of Kindness Week

Perfect Pair Homeless Alliance Drive.