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To our graduating seniors: Best of luck in college next year. Thanks for the memories we made together as we accomplished the goal of taking YAC back on track!: http://casadyacleads.blogspot.
We will have a "brief end of the year meeting" this coming Friday at the Wing during B-block. If, due to longer board of visitors chapel, out to lunch or Gales mandatory meeting, we do not meet, I want to thank everyone for the role you played in brainstorming, planning, implementing and reflecting projects this year. Special thanks to the YAC Executive board for their leadership, to Natasha S. for being the YAC/Service-Learning voice at chapel and to YLOKCasady for connecting to YAC throughout the year.
Pease consider sending me the answers to the following questions:
-What worked?
-What did not?
-How can we improve YAC next year?
I will compile your ideas in the minutes page of the YAC blog for the new leadership of YAC to review.
If you want to be part of the leadership of YAC next year, please send me your name, contact information (e-mail and cell), and the name of the project(s) you want to facilitate in collaboration with YAC next year. See below the list I have so far:
YAC Chairs and projects for next year:
Sidney J. : New project "food waste"
Jessica G.: ICS Diaper Tower Competition
Jessica G.: ICS Diaper Tower Competition
Aubrey H. Project: ? Children's Hospital Project????
Ananya B.: Somos Project/ Peace Week,
Johnny L.: STEM Project/Peace Week
The new YAC leadership and any interested YAC member will meet Tuesday, May 27, 2014 from 10-noon to reflect, do some strategic planning and set a tentative 2014-2015 calendar
See below description of Project Chairs responsibilities, goals, and expectations.
See below description of Project Chairs responsibilities, goals, and expectations.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941); poet, playwright, essayist
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Chairs Responsibilities
Adapted from Youth LEAD OKC 2013 Project Management Training
Project Responsibilities
Planning: Set goals, objectives and suggest calendar
of activities with regular schedule meeting times for the 2014-2015 school year
and updating work plan
track, and resolve project issues
overall schedule to ensure work is assigned and completed on time and within
Staying in
contact with Program Directory/ Adult Mentor about project progress and team
Staying in
contact with team members and being of aware of and assisting with their needs
(see team responsibilities)
in a timely manner to e-mails, phone calls, and other contacts.
marketing of the project before, during and after
Closing the
project in a meaningful way including lessons learned, successes, gratitude
- Make sure that your team completes
action steps on time and in a professional way.
- Establishing leadership and
communicating a vision that the team accepts and wants to reach.
- Setting reasonable, challenging and
clear expectations for people, and holding them accountable for meeting
the expectations.
- Providing good feedback to team
- Constantly improving team cohesion and
dynamics. The team should be motivated to work hard—team building skills
are necessary.
- Communicate affectively, take input
from every team member.
Goal: To learn how to run an efficient meeting that achieves a
stated goal or objective and leaves attendees feeling energized.
- Define
the meeting objective: A
successful meeting serves a specific purpose. Know the desired outcome before you call the meeting.
- Do you want a decision?
- Do you want to generate ideas?
- Are you making plans?
- Are you getting status reports?
- Are you communicating something?
- Prepare an agenda
- Prioritize – what absolutely needs to be covered?
- Results – what do we need to accomplish?
- Participants – who needs to be there to make it successful?
- Sequence – in what order will you cover the topics?
- Timing – how much time will you spend on each agenda item?
- Logistics - when (date and time) and where will the meeting take place?
the agenda prior to the meeting to get feedback and to let
participants know what to expect so they can prepare
- Use
allotted time well
- Start on time, even if people are missing
- End on time
- Begin by stating the meeting objective. Any discussion that does not address the objective needs to be set aside or “put in the parking lot”, unless there is agreement that the digression is important
- Assign a time keeper to let participants know when to wrap up discussion of each agenda item
- Empower
the meeting facilitator to keep the process moving according to the agenda
- Make sure everyone has a chance to make their voice heard during the meeting
- Summarize each agenda item at the close of that segment, review action steps and get group acknowledgement
- Watch body language – Do you need a break? Did someone say something that might have offended a person or the group?
- Ensure that the meeting stays on topic
- List all tasks that are assigned, make notes of who will do what and by when
- Decide whether items in the “parking lot” need further discussion and determine how they will be followed up
5. Wrap-up
the meeting before the designated time
- Summarize next steps and let everyone know that you (or someone else) will be circulating minutes by a certain date
- Review assignments and each team member’s responsibility
- Brainstorm agenda items for next meeting (Be as specific as possible.)
- De-brief the meeting - Did you meet the objective? What went well? What could have been better?
- Follow-up
Prepare and send out minutes by expected date
The purpose of keeping minutes is to provide a record of the organization’s actions, for the information of absent members and for future reference. Minutes are not generally intended to be news reports, or a record of everything that was said in a meeting. For most meetings, it is enough to record important decisions and follow-up action items for an individual, team, or the organization.
Minutes should include the following:
- Name of organization
- Kind of meeting (e.g. program, committee, board)
- Date and time of the meeting and place (if it’s not always the same)
- List of attendees and the name of the person recording the minutes
- Action steps, including who will perform them and by when
- Record of key facts, new information or important decisions/votes taken
- Any changes to objectives, timeline or work plan
- Next steps
- Next meeting time, date and place
Members should know when to expect the minutes and they
should be sent in a timely manner.
Minutes should clearly outline action items and next steps, who is
responsible for completing the task, and the expected time frame.
Minutes Template:
Place, Date, Time
person recording minutes is last and noted as Bob Jones (recording).
person 1 will do this_________
person 2 will do this ________
list any general items in future without assignment
Votes taken: (note whether by consensus, majority, etc)
of key discussion:
from Traditional Project Management Steps, Project Management Institute and
YLOKC 2013 Project Management Training
Project management is the act of planning, organizing and
managing resources to bring about the “successful” completion of specific
project. It is a temporary endeavor
with a defined beginning, middle and end.
It is undertaken to meet particular goals and to bring about change or
add value to an organization or event.
Six Stages:
- Determine nature and scope
- Design and develop work plan
- Execute work plan
- Monitor and control process (while updating work plan with any changes)
- Implement plan
- Close and evaluate (determine next steps)
Stage One: Determine
nature and scope of project.
- Assess
needs and opportunities (what currently exists? What do we want to exist?)
- Develop a vision (40,000 feet)
- Research other similar initiatives
- Set measurable goals
- Develop overall cost structure
- Develop general time frame
- Develop leadership structure
- Project Manager
- Team
- Other (mentors, community leaders, other teens)
Stage Two: Design and
develop work plan
- Establish objectives to meet pre-established goals
- Identify potential barriers and challenges and assess whether or not they can be overcome.
- Develop work plan, including action steps, timeline, and person responsible
- Develop means to adapt to changes in cost, scope, or timing (Project Management Triangle) while maintaining quality
Stage Three: Execute
work plan
- Coordinate people and resources – cold calling, identifying resources, assigning tasks (strengths and resources)
- Run meetings and keep minutes
- Set ongoing agendas
Stage Four: Monitor and
control process
- Observe
project progress to address potential problems in a timely manner
- Identify variances from the goal and objectives
- Measure project progress (where are we?)
- Monitor variables (where should we be, i.e. cost, manpower, red tape, and barriers?)
- Identify corrective action (how do we get back on track?)
- Assess when a change in objectives, timeline, or action steps is needed.
- Take
corrective action when needed
Stage Five: Implement program
- Facilitate program
- Note what worked and what didn’t
Stage Six: Close and
- Formally close the project (either project is completed or there is joint agreement to disband)
- Evaluate outcomes
- Review participant evaluations (if relevant)
- Hold a project team de-briefing session to “glean” the project.
- Determine next steps
Adapted from Adventure in the Classroom, Mary Henton
and Youth LEAD OKC 2013 Project Management Training
Definition of a goal: A measurable end result that has specific objectives
to be achieved within an established timeframe.
Definition of an objective: Objectives are the concrete steps you take to achieve
your goal. It’s helpful to begin each
objective with the infinitive form of the verb (e.g. to develop, to plan). Good objectives have measurable outcomes.
Specific: Goals should be concrete and particular. They should focus on one behavior that a project or program wants to increase, decrease, or change in some way.
Measurable: In
order to know if a goal has been achieved, it must be measurable in in quantity
and over time.
Achievable: A
goal needs to be realistic.
Relevant: The
goal must offer an overall positive outcome within the context of the larger
program. It is also important that the people making the goal want to
accomplish it.
Traceable: It
must be possible to see if you are heading toward your goal at any particular
time. If changes to the goal or work plan need to be made, it should be
possible to cleanly alter them.
Food for Thought:
1. What is your goal as a YAC Chair for the school
year 2014-2015?
2. What are your objectives and one project you want to
lead next year?
3. Why are you the best choice for YAC Chair in your
grade and why should your project be a YAC priority?
Objective: To help create a respectful group meeting or
- I will speak for myself and from my own experience. (I will begin sentences with “I think” or “I feel”, as opposed to “you people” or “you think”.)
- I
will listen with an open heart and mind.
- I will set aside the need to persuade others to agree with me.
- I will not interrupt. (If someone else is speaking, I will wait until they have finished before I speak. I will not engage in “sidebar” conversations.)
- I will “step up” to share my thoughts and experiences and then “step back” so others may share their thoughts and experiences. (I will try to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak.)
- I
will not attack a person or any aspect of their identity.
- I will ask a “clarifying question” if I don’t understand something that has been said. (A clarifying question seeks to understand: “What do you mean by…?” or “Can you explain that to me?”)
- I
will “pass” if I don’t want to speak.
- I
will assume good intentions and use “oops” and “ouch” to indicate when
others have offended me or when something I said did not come out in the
way I intended.
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