Saturday, October 31, 2015

Go Freshman Chairs and YAC Planning Team, A Great Drive

Thank you YAC, Casady Cyclones, and Families for an amazing way to help the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma take a bite out of hunger!

Casady Canned Food Drive_PD Wagons

Casady's Cans Do Canned Food Drive has been a fantastic success this week with all divisions participating in Casady's Students Against Hunger. Freshmen led this community service project with help from the Upper Division and Youth Active in the Community (YAC) club members. The can and cash donation count at the end of the day Friday was equal to 14,014.5 cans of food. Donations are made up of canned food as well as cash, where $1.00 equals six cans. Breaking it down, Casady families donated 6,376 cans of food and $1,037. Mrs. Clay reported the results from each of the divisions:
  • Primary Division: 456
  • Lower Division: 6.531.5; Fourth Grade brought the most cans
  • Middle Division: 1,609; Woolsey House brought the most cans
  • Upper Division: 5,418; Juniors were the overall winner
View photos from the week and detailed results of Casady's 2015 Students Against Hunger Canned Food Drive at Upper Division students walked with the Primary Division students with wagons filled with cans to deliver them to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma truck that visited the School.

To close hunger awareness week, there is another opportunity to volunteer at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Volunteers may register on the Food Bank Volunteer website and are asked to bring their permission slips with them. Parents are also welcome in this side-by-side community service activity. Mrs. Clay will be on site with the Casady students.

Monday-Friday Results

14,014.5 cans + cash ($1=6 cans)
                               ($ 1062.81 x 6) 

Cash: $1,062.81     =   6,376.86 cans
Cans:                           7,637. 64 cans
Total Cans:                 14,014.5

PD: 456  

The Walk of Hope   
Primary delivers donations to Food Bank Trailer.  Freshmen students thank donors with "Lend a can" stickers designed by sophomores Mariam and Safra Shakir.

2701.5 + 3830 Friday =  6531.5

1st grade:    554
2nd grade:  1,151
3rd grade:     876
4th grade    1,249

797 + 812 Friday = 1,609

148 (Kelly)  
173 (Martin)  
313 (Woolsey)  
178 (Talbert)  

UD:                      5,418   

Juniors:                 2289 cans and $  Challenge and overall winner
Freshmen:             1814 cans and  $  Challenge winner
Seniors:                 1050 cans and  $
Sophomores:          265 cans and  $                                         

Follow the history of the drive HERE 

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