Friday, June 16, 2017

6/16/2017 YAC Meetings at Stanley Hupfeld and Project Then and Now

There were two meetings today
1. 9:00-10:00 Stanley Hupfeld Academy: Agenda: Grant connected to Casady YAC calendar and mentoring program
2. 10:30-2:30  Agenda Then and Now Project:  Updates on typing of 50 years behind the fitting room door book

Agenda for Stanley Hupfeld, Positive Horizons-Grant Meeting

a. Introductions
- Participants: Mariam, Safra, Mrs. Tobi Campbell SHA Director, Mrs. Carmen Clay
- Positive Horizons Mentoring Program:  Mrs. Campbell explained the program, gave a tour of the mentoring rooms and the activity lab.
- Dr. Javier Carrasco Literacy Training:  Due to already scheduled training and evaluations, SHA faculty will not participate in the training.  Casady S-L Program will ask pertinent administrators to help with funding of Dr. Carrasco's transportation.

b. Grant
- Mrs. Campbell applied to be a Global School of Service, but had not received approval yet.  We could not work on the grant proposal.  Mrs. Clay and Mrs. Campbell will meet at Stanley Hupfeld Academy on Monday at 9:00 to write the grant.  They are allocating 9:00-12:00, but hope to be finished earlier.

Update:  Stanley Hupfeld has been selected as a Global School of Service.  Stanley Hupfeld Academy is eligible to apply for $1,500 9/11 Day of Service grant. This application only takes about 10 minutes to fill out.  Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Clay will meet Monday 9:00-12:00 to write the grant and will love to have input of YAC mentors. Safra and Mariam will be unable to attend because they have drivers ed.  The application is due June 26th: Contact Thaibinh Nguyen at (202) 650-5059 or with questions.

- Safra and Mariam will not become mentors, but will provide service-learning opportunities when their schedule permits it.  One of the ideas discussed was the project with succulent plants they experienced at the environmental club booth during the Walk-A-Thon.  They are considering bringing that project to Stanley Hupfeld during the 11 Days of Global Unity.

-Mrs. Clay asked meeting participants to check the Peace Week PP and give ideas for possible Chapel speakers and activities at Casady, Stanley Hupfeld, Boys and Girls Club,and Special Care.  Mrs. Clay stated that all of those organizations could collaborate during MLK Day and Global Youth Service Day experiences to get the required 500 volunteers per activity in the grant.  Please send ideas diverse grades can do together, like the Peace Silhouettes Project preparing for PEACE WEEK!

-Mariam explained to Mrs. Campbell the Casady schedule and Tuesdays or Wednesdays were chosen because those are days 11th and 12th graders have off campus lunch and those were the days suggested by the Casady administrators to Erik when he started to look at a possible mentoring program.   In the grant will be some allocation for lunch funding for mentors and mentees.  Stanley Hupfeld willl help cover the lunch of the group assigned to Casady mentors who will come during lunch and activities once a week.   Jacob and Ford will make the final decision regarding the date as they are the facilitators of this project.

- Safra and Mariam found the meeting informative and are cautiously optimistic about the recruitment of 8 mentors for the first year.  Hurdles to overcome:  Committing little free time, transportation. The transportation of Cyclones who cannot drive will be taken care by Mrs. Clay as the official PH driver.   Incentives: Relationship building, pizza lunch provided, opportunity to team mentor to insure sustainability of interaction.  Opportunities to bring personal projects sporadically if not able to become a mentor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00.  Next meeting Monday at 9:00 am at Stanley Hupfeld.  Agenda: Grant Writing.  Mrs. Clay will check with Jacob and Ford.  Hope they will join the grant writing team.

Meeting for Project Then and Now Agenda
Book, working lunch, S-L Intern feedback of draft brochure and Peace Week

1. Participants:  Sharun, Marolyn, and Elisabeth.  Elisabeth will talk to Gabrielle's mom to see if Gabrielle might join the next meeting on July 14th, Bastille Day, 10:30 am.  Carmen will join via phone, 405-520-1325.

2. 10:45-11:00  
- Elisabeth explained the publishing options of the Pressbook program, gave an example based on the publication of 100 books and suggested a book signing release with press coverage.  The cost is effective and we will stop looking for other publishing outlets.

- We will attempt to sell the books with profits being split three ways to cover the cost of the books, the cost of the event, and to provide some funding for Marolyn.  The event will take place at the Village Library on Marolyn's Birthday Week of October 24,2017.

- Marolyn provided copies of the Oklahoma Poetry Society Annual with one of her poems.  She also requested for the team to attend with her the next meeting of the Society at a local country club on Saturday, October 7, 2017 from 11:00-3:00.  We could attend the meeting, advertise the book signing and have our Now and Then meeting all in one.  Elisabeth and Sharun need to check schedules and let Carmen know if they will be able to attend. Carmen has it on her calendar already.
- Marolyn provided the next two chapter for Sharun to type.
- Sharun reported that she will have everything typed upon her return from India.

- Working-Thank you- lunch with Elisabeth.
a. Please read PEACE WEEK PP.  Ideas for speakers and activities needed.
b. Check if the Village Library has a copy of the book The Quality School Teacher by William Glasser.

1:00 - 2:30
- Happy Tails Drive Proposal Request written and sent to pertinent administrators by Sharun
- Casady Service Learning Brochure Draft revised to add dates for Happy Tails Drive and youth feedback
- Sharun invited to facilitate the Teacher In-service at the Food Bank.  Sharun said yes!  12 more volunteers needed!

To Do List
Contact Mrs. Seitter, Dr. Fryer and ask them to attend the July 14 meeting to connect the book to their areas of recording voice technology and graphic design needs of the book.
Contact New View Oklahoma to increase the audience of the book to the visually impaired.

Update: Carmen left message at New View Oklahoma Phone(405) 232-4644.   Dr. Fryer stated that the recording will be very time consuming and will need a trained professional. 

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