Monday, January 29, 2018

January 30th meeting: Suggested Agenda

Juniors:  Hannah H.
Sophomores Saadia N.
Freshmen: Katherine H.
Gabriella K.
Abbey K.
Grace U.

-Black History Month speakers (Malavika, Sahanya, Mariam, Safra)
-speakers do not need to be prepared, i will have their write ups for them Monday morning (Feb 5th)
-YAC Social Media Connections:  Hannah H.  should sent the main social media coordinator of Casady (Brannan) a picture or graphic once a week to highlight what YAC is up to
-Reflections on MLK Day:  Saadia is working on a short reflection about MLK day
-no one brought up any new initiatives or ideas

-i told them the service learning office is sending out a list of community service events to the whole student body once a week

1. Reflection on MLK Day Speaker
MLK Day Service by YAC in 2018
-Boys and Girls Club
-Food Bank

-Personal YAC members initiatives
YAC Leaders please send me your thoughts (  I will place them at

2. January Mentoring Month 
Sharun speaking at chapel:  
Date: 1/29/2017   Goal:  More Positive Directions Menots  
Goal:  Recruitment of new mentors for Stanley Hulfeld

YAC takes the Kindness Challenge this week
Family list

All school list (2017)  2018 HERE

3. February 

YAC Facilitator wanted!
The Gauntlet has been thrown down and the Compassion Games World Interfaith Harmony Week Coopetition is set to begin on February 1st! 

The World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed at the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2010 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan. Just under a month later, on October 20, 2010, it was unanimously adopted by the UN and henceforth the first week of February is observed as a World Interfaith Harmony Week. There is a $50,000 prize awarded by World Interfaith Harmony Week.

The Compassion Games is looking to synergize with Players and Teams from all over the planet to create the Best Game on Earth. There are powerful teams offering inspiring ways to play.

Ben Bowler, Founder of Unity Earth, put the call out when he said: “Watch out world, UNITY EARTH is coming to play and playing to win!” Unity Earth offers ‘hope’ as the way to “inspire the emergence of a co-creative global civilization that connects and strengthen the “unity revolution”.  Unity Earth is organizing the U Day Festival in Ethiopia.

Brigitte van Baren, co-founder of the Peace Pledge Project has put forward the Peace Pledge to Live Loving-Kindness and Compassion to advance peace and harmony in our personal lives and the world.

David Gershon, Founder of the The Empowerment Institute has distilled Seven Actions to Create Peace on Earth inspired by the First Earth Run - a catalyst for hope - that united the world in 1986. We passed the Compassion Torch to David, see what he had to say

And Leaders for Diversity recognize ‘diversity’ as a most critical issue that needs to be embraced to inspire the world. Leadership for Diversity is creating more diverse, creative, inclusive and equitable industries where people feel safe enough to truly collaborate.

We are synergizing to come together in “unprecedented unified action”. Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest invites everyone to join in to create “The Best Game on Earth”.  

These “Heavyweight Champions of Compassion”, and many others will be going at it for 7 days during World Interfaith Harmony Week starting February 1, 2018. 

Are you ready to put your idea for the Best Game on Earth into the ring? You can't lose the Compassion Games!

Here is where you sign up to play!
(Not ready to sign up? You can learn more here!)
Kickoff at
U-Day Festival Ethiopia
The Kickoff Event for the World Interfaith Harmony Week Compassion Games is the upcoming U Day Festival in Ethiopia that brings together global, spiritual and religious leaders with international changemakers and musical artists.

This year, President of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, Dr. Mulatu Teshoe Wirtu, will commemorate the week.
(Read the Press Release here!)

Representatives are attending from Aboriginal Australia, Indigenous leaders from Asia, North and Central America, Buddhists Monks from Thailand, Sikhs, Bahai, Sufis, Tibetan Buddhists and Hindus from India, along with Jews, Christians, and Muslims. All are gathering in Ethiopia in a grand dance of music, spirituality and play to celebrate our colorful and diverse human family while advancing universal values of Peace, Compassion and Unity.

For those that cannot be present in Ethiopia there are two great ways to connect and to be involved:

1. Join in a Global Mediation on U DAY February 3rd at 10 AM PST, hosted by David Nicol of Gaiafield. Be there to help forge the fires of Peace, Compassion and Unity into a Global Fire of One Love. Register here

2. Join in the U-Nite Concert Livestream, Global Virtual Event straight from Addis Ababa with an incredible array of inspirational musicians from around the world including two Grammy nominated artists!  Simply sign up at this dedicated Facebook event to catch the live-stream on Feb
3rd from 8am PST, events/159162154730540/

Unity Earth Convergence a radio broadcast on VoiceAmerica will focus on World Interfaith Harmony Week and is available on demand 24/7 from Jan. 26th

Here is where you sign up to play!
(Not ready to sign up? You can learn more here!)

February is Black History Month

Kindness Week (RAK WEEK)  Starts February 11,2018

What is Kindness

Mrs. Clay sent an email to Ali to see if she might be interested in doing "emotinal intelligence" building activities during YAC meetings and Project Warm:  Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows, and Kindgrams for UD.
Last year, the projects were sponsored by seniors who graduated.  

Cooper L. had Rachel's Challenge.  Will that project take place this year?  

World Interfaith Compassion Games February 1st-7th
 No YAC student facilitator.  Mrs. Clay will participate and reflect at Casady Compassion Games Blog

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 23 Meeting

Seniors:  Mariam Shakir, Safra Shakir
Sahanya Bhaktaram
Juniors: Claire Richardson, Mallary Spicer, Liz Wood, Evie Waters
Freshmen: Katherine Hawley, Gabriella Karam, Abbey Kays, Grace Utz

Minutes by Miss Smith:
-The Great Kindness Challenge (Casady is signed up to participate but we will do ours next week M-F)
- We will extend it to all grade levels and ask them to get involved

-Black History Month event?  Claire will ask Sharun if the diversity club is doing anything.  Ms. Smith will talk to Coach T about if we are having a speaker or anything special and look into local black speakers.

-Fleece Blanket project

-February - nice gram project - put lolipops with notes in people's lockers
-Mallory to speak in chapel on Monday about Kindness Challenge

-Figure out how to update video boards around campus each day next week with a new suggestion on how to do nice things

-Put Kindness Challenge in DA each day next week too

-YAC positions (grade chairs, 3 presidents, etc.)

-Presidential Award deadline approaching

Agenda items from canceled meeting last week

1. Reflection on MLK Day Speaker
MLK Day Service by YAC in 2018
-Boys and Girls Club
-Food Bank
-Personal YAC members initiatives

2. January Mentoring Month 
Sharun speaking at chapel:  
Goal:  Recruitment of new mentors for Stanley Hulfeld

3. February 

Kindness Challenge:   
Mariam said she will bring this opportunity to the attention of YAC 

Kindness Week (RAK WEEK)

What is Kindness

Mrs. Clay sent an email to Ali to see if she might be interested in doing "emotinal intelligence" building activities during YAC meetings and Project Warm:  Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows, and Kindgrams for UD.
Last year, the projects were sponsored by seniors who graduated.  

Cooper L. had Rachel's Challenge.  Will that project take place this year?  

World Interfaith Compassion Games February 1st-7th
 No YAC student facilitator.  Mrs. Clay will participate and reflect at Casady Compassion Games Blog

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 17 meeting

Meeting did not take place because many memberes were gone for sports, on  groupme 
Everyone to email Ms. Smith their reflections about the Food Bank and the chapel speaker.

                                        Suggested Agenda:  
1. Reflection on MLK Day Speaker
MLK Day Service by YAC in 2018
-Boys and Girls Club
-Food Bank
-Personal YAC members initiatives

UD, MD Cyclones served at the Food Bank on MLK Day.  

Pictures by Yasmin and Mrs. Omelia.                                


Casady's Upper Division hosted a civil rights assembly on Friday, January 13,2017 featuring speaker facilitator Mrs. Jo Ivester. Sharun P., Service Learning Office, and YAC Intern stated, "The speaker was good. Her personal story was very interesting about being the only white family in an all-black community."  The Respect Diversity CEO, Joan Korenblit shared the following remarks about Mrs. Ivester's speeches at Heritage Hall High School and Casady, "Jo Ivester gave powerful talks at both schools"

2. January Mentoring Month 
Sharun speaking at chapel:  
Goal:  Recruitment of new mentors for Stanley Hulfeld

3. February Kindness Week 
Project Warm: Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows, and Kindgrams for UD.
Last year, the projects were sponsored by seniors who graduated.  

Cooper L. had Rachel's Challenge during this month.  Will that project take place this year?  

World Interfaith Compassion Games February 1st-7th
 No YAC student facilitator.  Mrs. Clay will participate and reflect at Casady Compassion Games Blog

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 9th meeting. Minutes by Miss Smith and Mrs. Clay

MLK Day 2018 Speaker: JO IVESTER

Seniors: Sharun p., Mariam S.
Juniors: Sahanya B., Claire R., Katherine S., Meg B.
Sophomores: Saadia N.
Freshmen: Katherine H., Gabriella K., Abbey K., Grace U.


MLK Day and Speaker
-Mariam and Safra will speak in Chapel on Friday about MLK Food Bank opportunity
-Sahanya will introduce MLK speaker if we need that
-Ms. Smith will ask Fr. Blizzard about order of speakers

Schedule for Friday, January 12 (MLK speaker)
Normal schedule through period 5
Lunch 12:35-1:00
Assembly 1:05-2:00
Period 6  2:05-2:45
Period 7  2:48-3:28
Double  3:28-4:00
Athletics begin ~ 5 minutes later than normal

-Mariam will have STUCO put MLK Food Bank on DA
Afternoon Service Day on MLK Day, 1:30-4:00 pm, Regional Food Bank Volunteer Center 1/15 at the Food Bank.  Mrs. Omelia supervisor. Want to make a day on service of a day off from school?  Contact Mrs. Omelia.  There is a sign-up sheet at the MD office or reserve your spot on the sign-up genius made by Miss Smith with help from Sharun at The Food Bank requires a signed parental consent to volunteer.  Find the form at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Volunteer website.  Copies of the form also available at Harper.

Other Advocacy and Direct Service Experiences on 
MLK Day, January 15, 2018

MLK Day Prayer Breakfast, January 15: 7:00 am-11:00 am
Inspiring citywide advocacy for MLK's Legacy

Join the Midwest City Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast Committee, Inc. as an attendee of the 21st Annual Anniversary Prayer Breakfast!Come out and hear dynamic speakers and enjoy an amazing Southern-style breakfast buffet.Sheraton Midwest City Hotel at the Reed Conference Center 5750 Will Rogers Road Midwest City, OK 73110  If you wish to attend, contact Sharon Wilson ( In the past, the cost of attending the breakfast has been $15 per person.  Tickets go fast! Limited seating.
MLK Day Volunteer Request for the MLK Day Parade
The Martin Luther King Holiday Coalition is seeking volunteers to work as Parade Marshalls for the upcoming Holiday Parade. Parade marshalls will meet at 11:00 am at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral at NW 7th and Robinson. Duties will consist of either being posted in the staging area or walking along parade route for the purpose of preventing pedestrians or vehicles from entering the parade. Parking will be provided south of the church. Volunteers will be provided with refreshments and MLK T-Shirts. To volunteer, contact William Jones, 405-306-8440.

January is National Mentoring Month
-Zach Connor - Mariam will ask him about Best Buddies to see if he will speak at chapel about it next week
-Sharun will speak at chapel about SH next week

The Students Rebuild Facing Difference Challenge could be a great art/fundraising project for YAC this month.  YAC members could come to Harper to do their drawing and invite friends to get hours by doing a very personal creation of facing difference.  The Service Learning Office could send the drawings in April during National Volunteer Week to the Bezos Foundation for them to match dollars per drawings.  A YAC student facilitator is all what is needed.  Resources sent by Global Nomads for the Facing Difference Challenge

Peace Carmen,

Thank you again for registering for the Students Rebuild Virtual Reality Experience as part of the Facing Difference Challenge. 

GNG's virtual reality series, One World, Many Stories, follows young people from around the globe to discover how we may not be so different after all. We invite you to meet Breanna, JB and Abdel through VR goggles and explore the accompanying activity guide in your classrooms for deeper engagement.

Materials + Resources: 

As a reminder, this offering includes 10 cardboard goggles for your students to use in the classroom. Please confirm that you have received this email in order to receive your goggles shipment. 


-January is for personal projects
Personal Project: Connection to Boys and Girls Club
-Sahayna going to Boys and Girls Club Friday after school if anyone wants to join her

Connections to Marketing Department
-Betty Jane Garrett and Brannan Crossno are the persons to ask about sending an email blast if needed

Other Agenda Items discussed

-February is for the nice gram project
Kindness Month, Interfaith Compassion Games
RAK Week- Rachel's Challenge? (Cooper L.?).  The KindGrams were not faciitated by Cooper.  Cooper did Rachel's Challenge.  The traditional project for YAC in February is Fleece blankets for Positive Tomorrows:  No Student facilitator for the fleece blankets yet.  Contact Mrs. Clay if interested in leading the project

Interfaith Compassion Games
 No YAC student faciiitator.  Mrs. Clay will participate and reflect at Casady Compassion Games Blog

March Activity Possibility

-Mariam and Safra's gardening idea for SH goal for late March for good weather
-March is the sock drive
Ellie did not attend the meeting and has not reply yet to email sent regarding looking for a date for her project benefiting the Homeless Alliance

-April is STUCO's Walk-a-thon
YAC needs to ask STUCO how we could help.  Several YAC officers are on STUCO's Board, but it will be nice for the YAC leadership to request to attend a meeting to officially connect to helping with the Walk-A-Thon.
 Last year our around the lake activity was HALO Serice Dogs for before finals teraphy and to add to the activities around the lake for the walkers to enjoy.  Luke A. has requested time to speak to YAC too.

-Aaron's field/track building project - 
get in touch with him about helping out with fundraising or other needs

Monday, January 1, 2018

January 4th meeting. Minutes by Miss Smith

Minutes of meeting
Seniors: Safra, Mariam, Sharun
Juniors: None
Sophomores: None
Freshmen: Meg B., Caroline H., Gabriella K., Abbey K., Tina N., Isabela P., Grace U.

The YAC co-presidents led the meeting

MLK Service Day - we discussed the schedule at the Food Bank and ask if anyone had any ideas of things to do in the morning.  No feedback given from anyone.  Sign up genius has been sent to Ms. Clay to forward to students with the detailed information.  Sarah is going to email the co-presidents to see if one of them would like to announce this project at chapel one morning this week.

Nice-gram envelopes - The Co-Presidents, Safra and Mariam are going to speak with Cooper about this project.  They want to do this before Valentine's Day.  

Presidential Service Award - remind everyone to report hours to Service Learning staff.  Due in February.

Stanley Hupfeld Mentoring - Sharun will speak at chapel next week to encourage classmates to sign up.  Everyone agreed that seniors will be most apt to do it because they get more off days for lunch off campus and the timing works best for them.  Juniors: it will be a hard sell because Wednesday's are their only off campus lunch days.  Sophomores and Freshmen would have to get special permission to go off campus and may not be old enough to mentor.

Stanley Hupfeld Garden Idea - the Co-Presidents want to do a day in mid-late March where Casady students go to SH to help the children plant flowers like succulents.  They asked for the mentors to speak with their mentees about this idea next week to make sure they would enjoy the activity.

Personal Projects - the Co-Presidents encouraged YAC members to think about personal projects to work on during the off winter months.  They wanted to make sure people knew they could speak with me about any ideas or needing help getting started.

Verifying Hours - talked about encouraging other students to turn in hours that are verified or signed off by a supervisor.  They were concerned about the seniors who have not completed their hours and I assured them we had contacted them via email and will be communicating with them asap.

Suggested Agenda
1. MLK Day
- Speaker:  Father Blizzard is bringing the speaker on 1/12.  There will be an assembly schedule that day.  Ask Father Blizzard how YAC can help.

Schedule for Friday, January 12 (MLK speaker)
Normal schedule through period 5
Lunch 12:35-1:00
Assembly 1:05-2:00
Period 6  2:05-2:45
Period 7  2:48-3:28
Double  3:28-4:00
Athletics begin ~ 5 minutes later than normal

- Afternoon Service Day on MLK Day, 1:30-4:00 pm, Regional Food Bank Volunteer Center 1/15 at the Food Bank.  Mrs. Omelia supervisor.

MLK Day Volunteer Request
The Martin Luther King Holiday Coalition is seeking volunteers to work as Parade Marshalls for the upcoming Holiday Parade. Parade marshalls will meet at 11:00 am at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral at NW 7th and Robinson. Duties will consist of either being posted in the staging area or walking along parade route for the purpose of preventing pedestrians or vehicles from entering the parade. Parking will be provided south of the church. Volunteers will be provided with refreshments and MLK T-Shirts. To volunteer, contact William Jones, 405-306-8440.

2. January is Mentoring Month
Best Buddies or Positive Directions Mentors, any student initiatives developing???

3. February

Kindness Month, Interfaith Compassion Games
RAK Week- Rachel's Challenge? (Cooper L.?), Project Warm: Fleece blankets for Positive Tomorrows needs a student leader

Interfaith Compassion Games
Needs a student leader.  Mrs. Clay will participate in the games

4. Perfect Pair Drive:  Ellie G.

Ellie is looking for a best time for her "Perfect Pair Drive" benefiting the Homeless Alliance.  She has the drive currently scheduled in March.

Miss Sarah Smith's "Where I am From" Poem and Reflection of her first two weeks facilitating the Casady UD Service Learning Program

Where I am From
Sarah Smith, Casady Substitute Service Learning Chair, YAC Sponsor,   
Youth & Government Substitute Helper

I am from bats, gloves and balls
From nike
And a letterman’s ring
I am from wheat fields and prairies
red, wild and free.
I am from the tumbleweeds
That roll where the wind takes them gathering and shedding along the way.
I am from trips to the mountains
and fierce loyalty,
from Shelba and Lynda
and Betsy Anne.
I am from the obsessive pursuit of life
And relentless work ethic.
From being able to do anything I put my mind to
And keeping my eye on the ball.
I am from cowboy boots, wooden crosses and lots and lots of country music.
They made sense of my world and kept me safe and secure
I'm from the great plains of Oklahoma, sixth generation,
Red meat and red peppers.
From the summers when PaPa would cannonball into the pool,
the nights signing Eric Clapton with Dad,
and laughing so hard I cried with all my cousins.
I am from the day when all humans have equal dignity and worth and are treated as such.

Miss Sarah Smith spent the last two weeks of December 2017 facilitating the Service-Learning Office and sponsoring YAC outreach service experiences as Mrs. Carmen Clay, Rainbolt Family Service Learning Chair had to leave Casady for an extended family leave of absence. Casady Service Learning welcomes the gifts Sarah brings to the program and looks forward to her leadership of the service program during the Spring term.

When asked to reflect on her two weeks at Casady Service-Learning, Sarah provided A Theologian’s Perspective on Casady School.

"I am a firm believer that we cannot separate our souls from our bodies and our bodies from our souls.  Thus, we cannot care for just one because the other will suffer and perhaps die.  Human beings must nurture each, and vigorously, in order to thrive!  What is most encouraging to me in my brief time at Casady School is that the school seeks to do just that – develop the body and the soul.  

Or perhaps we should just call the body and the soul combination simply - the human being.  

The Episcopal spirit of the School is fully alive and the center and start to everyday at Casady.  As an aspiring priest, I appreciate very much that each day begins in community in the chapel, in stillness and in prayer.  And no matter one’s faith tradition or lack thereof, I think it’s important to have moments of quiet reflection and a gathering of one’s thoughts before the day begins.  And in almost all faith traditions, the communal ritual of coming together in one sacred place reminds us that we are not alone, we need each other, and we are for each other.

Students have insanely busy schedules like most high school students, between sports, choir, drama, debate and a myriad of other extra-curricular activities.  But what makes these students even more equip to go out into the real world is the community service requirements.  The service learning requirement is not just a bodily volunteer activity where students fill needs in the community, although that is an important aspect of “boots on the ground” type work.  What service learning tries to garner in each young human being is the capacity to empathize and to care for one’s fellow human being.  It’s a spirit thing, a soul thing, or more precisely a matter of the heart.

This is a difficult value to instill in young people but it is, I believe, especially as a Christian, of extreme importance.  Caring for one’s community and one’s fellow human is central to the gospel message and is easily a basic value to our Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters.  At Casady School, as I am learning, we practice this basic value in all of our practices.  Even at lunch, we sit “family style” together at tables and share “family portions” of food as they are passed around.  

Students probably don’t have the time to stop and think how significant it is that they are serving one another and helping nourish each other’s bodies so that they can go out in the world and help nourish others, too.  In the same way, when Fr. Blizzard or Fr. Youmans shares the communion bread and cup.  God’s body and God’s spirit through God’s blood enter into God’s people so we can be fed spiritually and bodily – holistically.  

This is a special place, Casady School.  Kids get to be immersed in a different model of communal life and learning that shapes their whole beings.  Whether they know it or not, I hope one day they will look back on their time, like I have, and realize how purposeful, meaningful and formative these years really were to their whole life and their whole person.

I am thankful and honored to get to experience this community and this place and to watch human beings flourish and grow!"