Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 23 Meeting

Seniors:  Mariam Shakir, Safra Shakir
Sahanya Bhaktaram
Juniors: Claire Richardson, Mallary Spicer, Liz Wood, Evie Waters
Freshmen: Katherine Hawley, Gabriella Karam, Abbey Kays, Grace Utz

Minutes by Miss Smith:
-The Great Kindness Challenge (Casady is signed up to participate but we will do ours next week M-F)
- We will extend it to all grade levels and ask them to get involved

-Black History Month event?  Claire will ask Sharun if the diversity club is doing anything.  Ms. Smith will talk to Coach T about if we are having a speaker or anything special and look into local black speakers.

-Fleece Blanket project

-February - nice gram project - put lolipops with notes in people's lockers
-Mallory to speak in chapel on Monday about Kindness Challenge

-Figure out how to update video boards around campus each day next week with a new suggestion on how to do nice things

-Put Kindness Challenge in DA each day next week too

-YAC positions (grade chairs, 3 presidents, etc.)

-Presidential Award deadline approaching

Agenda items from canceled meeting last week

1. Reflection on MLK Day Speaker
MLK Day Service by YAC in 2018
-Boys and Girls Club
-Food Bank
-Personal YAC members initiatives

2. January Mentoring Month 
Sharun speaking at chapel:  
Goal:  Recruitment of new mentors for Stanley Hulfeld

3. February 

Kindness Challenge:   
Mariam said she will bring this opportunity to the attention of YAC 

Kindness Week (RAK WEEK)

What is Kindness

Mrs. Clay sent an email to Ali to see if she might be interested in doing "emotinal intelligence" building activities during YAC meetings and Project Warm:  Fleece Blankets for Positive Tomorrows, and Kindgrams for UD.
Last year, the projects were sponsored by seniors who graduated.  

Cooper L. had Rachel's Challenge.  Will that project take place this year?  

World Interfaith Compassion Games February 1st-7th
 No YAC student facilitator.  Mrs. Clay will participate and reflect at Casady Compassion Games Blog

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