Friday, September 23, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, Activities- Food Bank Speaker

Participants:  Isaiah, Miranda, Safra, Mariam, Hannah and a group of freshmen, in picture.  Minutes were not taken at the meeting because there was a conflict with STUCO's meeting preparing for Homecoming.

1. Food Bank Speaker:  Tips for a Students Against Hunger Food Drive
Nicole provided brochures, flyers, collection plastic bags, boxes and suggestions of what other schools have done in the past to motivate giving.  Safra and Mariam led the freshmen collecting boxes from Nicole's car.  They started to build the boxes, but we needed packing tape to make them stronger.

2. Fall Fest Reminders
Isaiah made a sign-up sheet.  He and Miranda will send text to remind YAC membership to bring donations and volunteer at Fall Fest.  Temporary tatoos is what we will be featuring at the booth.  The details for the booth were sent by Miranda and Isaiah to Coach T.  Mrs. Clay also followed-up requests with an e-mail.  Best Buddies will share a table with YAC

3. Project Proposals  On Parking Lot

This is about the possibility of having the students at Casady School help Open Arms Clinic (a Christian Charitable clinic) in providing prescriptions and medical supplies to low-income uninsured patients.

I’m a long-time member of All Souls Episcopal Church.  I left a lucrative position at a software start-up company in Washington, DC to join Open Arms Clinic and address the critical need for healthcare among poor adults in the OKC metro area.

Although our clinic helps low-income uninsured patients apply for prescription assistance programs, the process can take three months.  Open Arms Clinic and it volunteers and donors step into that gap to ensure that patients get the life saving and health sustaining medications they need.  We are supported entirely by charity.  For a patient with diabetes this could be a three month prescription of insulin at $458/month. With the growing number of under-employed and unemployed in our community without health insurance, this is a critical problem.  In fact in June of 2016 the US Census Bureau ranked Oklahoma County 40th of the 100 top counties in the country with the highest numbers of adults without healthcare insurance.  This is out of over 3,000 counties.

Something needs to change.  In order for us to continue to assist these members of our community we must educate the public and ask people to become Agents of Change.  

I’d like to ask the students to join me in this effort by distributing empty prescription bottles and asking their friends and family members to fill them up with spare change. 

Although we can no do all things, I believe with God’s help we can do something meaningful to share the love of Christ with a hurting world.

I’d be glad to come to talk to classes, clubs or assemblies to educate them about the problem.  I can work it however would be best for the students and school.

May I make an appointment to come see you this next week about how the students of Casady might become agents of change?

God Bless You,

Rosemary Hayes

Rosemary Hayes, PhD
Development and Volunteer Coordinator
Open Arms Clinic
5252 N. Meridian, Suite 1010
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Phone: 405-546-7416

Every young person has dreams of who they will become. Yet millions of young people who face the unstable circumstances of poverty leave their education behind to provide for their basic needs­­— pushing their dreams further out of reach.

While these misfortunes are significant, all young people—despite their circumstances—possess assets, skills, and gifts that can improve their lives. Investments in financial literacy, job and entrepreneurship training, and youth-led groups and networks can help overcome the setbacks of poverty.

For every hand you create and send in, the Bezos Family Foundation will donate $1.90—up to $500,000—to Save the Children’s programs empowering youth in Nicaragua and Indonesia to rise into a life they dream for themselves.

Learn more, register, and access our resources

The Leader: Dare to Dream Edition
Volume XIII, Issue 17 — September 2016
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The Leader

You're invited to Dare to Dream
28th Annual National Service-Learning Conference®
Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, CA
March 22–24, 2017

Connect with hundreds of educators and young people from across the world — all working together to make change through service-learning.
Whether you’re young or young at heart, this conference promises to inspire you. Access tools, ideas, and support through a network of like-minded leaders.
Be our guest and make a positive difference in your schools, communities, and the lives of young people everywhere.


Calling All Workshop Presenters!
Do you have a high-quality service project you would like to highlight at the conference?
Deadline is October 16 to share your expertise; don’t delay. Submit now.
Youth Emcees Wanted
Do you have what it takes to present in front of more than 1,000 of your fellow attendees?
Apply to be a youth emcee byDecember 4 and be heard!
Awards Nominations Open
NYLC and its partners present awards honoring youth and adults for their commitment to education, service, community, and service-learning.
Nominate an outstanding leader today! Deadline is December 5.

Connect and spread the word!

Planning on joining? Help us spread the word on social media. Below are some sample messages you can use to promote Dare to Dream:
  • Join me at @DisneylandToday for #SLC17, the premier event for #servicelearning educators. @nylcorg
  • I'm going to Dare to Dream with #SLC17 at @DisneylandToday next March. @nylcorg
  • #SLC17 welcomes you to Dare to Dream. Join me in Anaheim, March 22, 2017. @nylcorg

From the Field

Meet the Winners!

Meet the winners of the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes — outstanding young leaders who have made a significant positive difference to people and the environment. Their leadership and courage make them true heroes — and inspirations to us all.

Disney Summer of Service Grants

Disney ABC and YSA are inspiring young change-makers this summer who are making their communities healthier, greener, and stronger. Deadline is this Friday, September 30, so act quickly!

Scholarships for Students Fighting Hunger

The Sodexo Foundation — Stop Hunger Scholarships reward students working to end hunger in their communities. Winners get $5,000 for college and a $5,000 grant to give to the charity of their choice. #GET5GIVE5 in your hometown. Apply by December 5.

Living The Example National Video Contest

The Living The Example National Video Contest was created to provide young teens an opportunity to showcase their passions, hobbies and achievements. What is it that you do that sets a positive example for your peers? Deadline is October 21.

September 22, 2016 | Volume 23, No. 38
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Get Youth Involved in the Presidential Debates


The first U.S. Presidential Debate for the 2016 elections will be held next Monday, September 26! These moments "when everybody is watching" are great opportunities to organize a discussion with others about the issues important to youth. (The Vice Presidential debate is on October 4. Two more Presidential Debates are scheduled for October 9 and October 19.) Here are 10 ideas on how to get youth involved in the debates:
  1. Host a school-wide Debate Watch party at an auditorium, sports stadium, or other large venue. Break into smaller discussion groups after the debate for students to reflect on the issues discussed.
  2. Use social media to foster discussions during the debate with unique usernames, custom hashtags, live Twitter conversations, online web streaming.
  3. Have teachers offer extra credit for watching the debate or incorporate it into their classroom discussions. Use these discussions to talk about issues important to youth, such as education and jobs.
  4. Provide candidate profiles and background using resources fromScholastic and PBS. Consider showing ChannelOne's Meet the Candidates Raps for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for a fun, informative approach. Non-partisan voter guides for students are available from the Campus Election Engagement Project.
  5. Cross-promote the Debate Watch with other groups at the school, including student councils, local chapters of College Democrats/Republicans, and other groups that represent a diverse array of your school's demographics
  6. Invite representatives from local government, League of Women Voters, and local political party representatives to attend the Debate Watch and potentially share their views on the debate afterwards.
  7. Register students to vote at the Debate Watch- use resources such as YSA's Service Vote "Register" Tipsheet, Rock The Vote's Online Registration Tool, and League of Women Voters' High School Voter Registration Training Manual.
  8. Use a sign in sheet to follow up with attendees to remind them to vote and provide them with voting information.
  9. Provide a scorecard, like the Candidate Report Card, so that students can evaluate the candidates as they address important issues.
  10. Make plans to host your own debate, forum, or town hall with local candidates.  
YSA's ServiceVote campaign offers even more ways for how youth can involved and serve this election season.  


See what the world could look like if we achieve the Global Goals.
UNDP, in partnership with Project Everyone, United Nations Foundation and The SDG Action Campaign, is celebrating the first anniversary of the adoption of the 17 Global Goals with a week of action, awareness and accountability for sustainable development. The Global Goals have the potential to end poverty, inequality, and climate change, but they're only going to be completed if we raise our voices and remind our world leaders to stick to their promises. This #GlobalGoals week, help us tell everyone about the Global Goals and what they can do to make these dreams a reality. 
Two more black men, Keith Lamont Scott and Terence Crutcher, were killed by police in the past week. While many are left feeling hopeless, there are things you can do to practice self-care, support those around you, and advocate for justice. Here's a comprehensive resource from with information on police violence, tips for coping with trauma, and other ways to make a difference.
Student Voice is working to bridge policy and practice in its latest project: the State of Schools Report. State of Schools is a comprehensive document that aims to examine school climate from the student perspective. It is framed around the Student Bill of Rights, 12 different rights ranging from civic participation to employability. The report will be created with the help up hundreds of student contributors from all 50 states. If you or a student you know has a story to share contribute today.
When you're under 18, it isn't always easy to sit back and watch as the rest of the country chooses the future president. And according to a Seventeen poll, nearly half of you feel that because you can't vote, you have zero effect on the election. Still, 78% of youth under 18 are following election news. Use that knowledge to start discussions or make a change.

Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, and Cinderella encourage you and your friends to make your community healthier, greener and stronger! Apply for a $500 Summer of Service grant through September 30.

Disney Summer of Service Grants
Deadline: September 30
Young changemakers who have ideas or projects that could make their neighborhoods healthier, greener, and stronger can receive $500 to gather their friends and bring their creative visions to life. Youth, ages 5-18, in the U.S. are eligible to apply for Disney Summer of Service grants by submitting service project ideas. Hundreds of youth-led service projects will be selected and $500 grants will be awarded to each winner's sponsoring organization to assist with the implementation of the project. Select grantees will have a chance to be recognized by Disney|ABC Television Group or their local ABC affiliate.

Deadline: September 30
Project Learning Tree offers GreenWorks! grants up to $1,000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental service-learning projects that link classroom learning to the real world. Students implement an action project they help design to green their school or to improve an aspect of their neighborhood's environment.  
Deadlines: Varies by Program
Captain Planet Foundation invests in high-quality, solution-based programs that embrace STEM learning and empower youth to become local & global environmental change-makers. Educators, both K-12 classroom and informal, who are interested in receiving support for students to design and implement hands-on environmental solutions are eligible for project funding.

Deadline: October 21
Mentor Foundation USA's Living the Example (LTE) video contest showcases teenagers who are following their passions and pursuing their dreams while staying drug-free. The contest is open to high schoolers in the United States. All participants must submit a short video explaining how they set a positive example for their peers. The grand prize winner will win a trip to Los Angeles and receive a tour of the YouTube Space in La Playa Vista. Second and third place winners will receive tech prize packages.


Trey Pope, 17, Cedar Grove, North Carolina, cares about the sustainable development of small towns and communities in his home state. He has been conducting livestock auctions since he was a child to raise funds for local community well-being. Thanks to his unique ability to conduct real auctions, Trey became involved in multiple community groups and organizations conducting charitable fundraising events. He has raised funds for several rural fire departments, churches, the American Cancer Society, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, the Outlaw Foundation, and his school. Thanks to Trey, many of the churches now provide food pantries, ministries to single mothers, and housing/utility assistance for the needy. Fire departments have been able to maintain facilities in good working condition, volunteers and firefighters have received training, necessary equipment has been purchased, and churches and schools have been able to continue on in providing services to their respective communities. Needy families have been able to pay down debt of medical bills, and schools were able to buy better equipment for their computer labs.

YSA and UL are changing the conversation on road safety in India through our Safer Roads, Safer India program. Sarah Barrie (Director of Grants, YSA) and Chris Wagner (Director of Partnerships, YSA) share their firsthand accounts of traveling across India to equip others with the skills needed to solve India's road safety issues.
Throughout our community meetings and in-person trainings in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore, we learned that everyone is a road safety expert. What we mean by this is that everyone has a story of a family member, a friend, or a community member that has been injured, or worse, in various kinds of road accidents. Fortunately, we've been able to meet with youth, educators, and NGOs from across the country who are working to create awareness about and take action to implement projects focused on a variety road safety issues. Here are a few plans we've heard during the trainings:
  • In Delhi, a Youth Fellow is organizing an awareness campaign focused on changing the behavior of drivers who do not let ambulances pass, while also researching and designing a GPS device that changes traffic signals as ambulances approach an intersection to improve that amount of time it takes to reach victims.
  • In Pune, a teacher described a 4 KM stretch of road from the highway to the school that has injured and claimed the lives of many students. Her classes will conduct road safety audits to investigate the causes of the accidents and then plan awareness, service, and advocacy projects that integrate the data they collect.
  • Over twenty-five road safety related partners in Ahmedabad have committed to collaborating with the Youth Fellow and Classrooms with a Cause educators on their projects. They'll be having their first meeting this upcoming week.

As part of the World's Largest Lesson this week in recognition of the first anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals, we highlight the many amazing resources available to help you teach kids about the Global Goals and call on them to find their voice, take action, and make an impact. 

If you're planning an assembly or a lesson to introduce the Global Goals, choose a lesson plan, download the poster, explore the Goals booklet and if you can, show children one of the films. We especially recommend The World We Want: A Guide to the Goals for Children and Young People published by UNICEF.
Comics are effective teaching tools because they require readers to not only passively receive information, but also interact with the text and images to construct meaning, and that is the key to the magic. Words and pictures work together!
As an educator you have the power to channel students' positive energies and help them believe that they are not powerless, that change is possible, and they can drive it. Use this series of resources to help your students plan immediate actions or longer term projects.  
Find lesson plans and many more creative resources for teaching each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

"Where is the Love?" - Black Eyed Peas featuring The World  

"And to discriminate  
only generates hate 
And when you hate,
then you're bound to get irate 
Madness is what you demonstrate 
And that's exactly how hate  
works and operates 
Man, we gotta set it straight 
Take control of your mind, just meditate 
And let your soul just gravitate  
to the love So the whole world celebrate it."

The complete Service Songs of the Week playlist from 2012-2016 is at  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Let us all work together to help all human beings achieve dignity and equality; to build a greener planet; and to make sure no one is left behind." — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon
Happy #PeaceDay! We wish you a wonderful day whoever you are with on this remarkable occasion. Please do not forget to let us know what you are doing. Whatever you are doing, you are part of the greatest gathering of people in the name of peace the world has ever seen and long may it continue!
This is a short update to let you know our plans for the day. 

Wherever you are in the world you can now watch our global broadcast on Facebook Live, featuring peacemakers from around the world; humanitarian organisations, business leaders, musicians, dancers, faith leaders, actors and many more. This unique broadcast will reach every corner of the globe; each speaker united by a hope for lasting peace.
Tune in here and please share with your friends and families. 


Be sure to tune in for an exclusive LIVE performance of the powerful ballad, ‘I Wish’ by Jahméne. This song from his forthcoming album, ‘Unfathomable Phantasmagoria’ is a powerful soundtrack to the day and you can tune in here at 20:35 BST.
The song can also be downloaded here.


Live today (from 15:00 GMT +1) is our 2016 benefit auction presented by Jude Law and Jake Chapman, featuring artworks from Damien Hirst, Sir Antony Gormley and Harland Miller, amongst others. The online auction runs for two weeks and bidding will close on Wednesday 5th October at 17:00 BST. To bid on the items and to be in with a chance of owning an artwork from one of the world’s leading contemporary artists please go to the Peace One Day auction page on Paddle 8 from 15:00 today:
Of particular interest is The Chapman Brothers submission. They are offering a ‘mystery prize’ and will create an artwork to the value of the highest bid – a unique opportunity for collectors.
Please share as widely as possible with friends, family and colleagues as well via your social channels.
It is our hope that today will be the greatest gathering of peacemakers this world has ever known. In every continent, country and community, people are coming together in the hope of lasting peace. Your actions will give volume, clarity and scale to this global movement, so whatever you do today, do it in the name of peace and together we will be one step closer to peace one day.
In Peace,
Jeremy Gilley
Founder, Peace One Day

Casady Peace Week 2016
“11 Days of Global Unity” September 11-21
Find peace within your hearts and share it with the community!
Casady Peace Week Activities

Wednesday, September 21: Peace Walk. Chapel Pinwheel Blessing/Planting (6;30-7:50 am)
6:00 am Planting Pinwheels for Peace at Peace Sign in front of chapel
6:30 am Meditative Silent Peace Walk around the lake or Blue Labyrinth by Butterfly Garden
7:00 am Early Morning Eucharist and Breakfast
7:50 am Blessing of Peace Sign
8:00 am Casady Orchestra Performs for Peace Day

9: 45 am MD Chapel: Hearts and Hands of Peace Planting around Thinking Man Statue and picture. International Club makes presentation about What is Peace Day and promotes a moment of silence during chapel.

2:45 pm LD Chapel: Peace Hands Blessing. Picture around the Peace Sign. Peace Song perform by MD Choir

-10:45 last Friday,9/16/2016 PD Celebrated Peace Day last Friday at their Chapel service time. The children sang: "Peace is for you, is for me, is for us." Parents attended the Peace Chapel Service. Father Charles Blizzard officiated.

Saturday, September 24: #Oklahoma Standard at Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum 10:30-1:00

10:30-11:00        Outdoor Symbolic Memorial Tour with National Park Ranger
11:00-12:00        Museum Tour/Patrick will guide the students and emphasize the Oklahoma Standard.
12:00-12:30        First Person Presentation with Survivor Derek Smithee
12:30-1:00         Lunch catered by Jimmy John’s.  Their number is 235.8800. (need to RSVP)
1:00-2:00             Walk to Myriad Gardens.  Check the Turkish Festival. Help distribute pinwheels for silent walk
2:00-3:00             United Nations Silent Peace Walk   Speakers and Walk  
After the Walk volunteers are welcome to enjoy the Turkish Festival at will.  Bring money to taste their amazing food.

Saturday, September 24: OKC Peace Walk at Myriad Gardens 2:00-3:00 @ Turkish Festival

Sunday, September 25: Oklahoma Conference of Churches, Interfaith Youth Tour (1:00-5:30)  $15. Pre-registration required. Fee of $15 per person helps defray the costs of transportation.  Contact OCC with questions at 405-525-2928.  HERE Tour stops are:  1) East Sixth Street Christian Church, 1139 NE 6th St., OKC 73117, 2) Masjid Mu’min Mosque, 1322 NE 23rd St., OKC 73111,  3) Vien-Giac Buddhist Temple, 5101 NE 36th St., OKC 73121


Don’t Miss! First OKC Peace Walk 2:00 PM @ Myriad Gardens

YAC Peace Team 2015 walking the Casady Blue Labyrinth by Butterfly Garden
 Contact Mrs. Clay (, 405-520-1325) in Harper Wing for more details.

Thank you to all who participated in the 11 Days of Global Unity, Peace Week 2016

Upper Division Peace Week Schedule
Unifying Backgrounds With Empowering Everyday kindness
Participating in the Community to Improve Lives

Children and Youth
UD Chapel

Dr. Noel Jacobs
Interfaith Alliance

MD International Club showed "The Declaration of Interdependence

Mrs. Sara Ivey
Oklahoma Green School Program

MD International Club showed Morgan Freeman's Our Future

Ms. Terri Talley
Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum

Chef Kevin
Sage Dining Team

MD International Club showed
Sage Dinning

Mr. Zac Fowler
Oklahoma National Memorial and Museum, Oklahoma Standard

Peace Silhouettes @ Student Center 

Blue Labyrinth by Butterfly Garden Opens
7:00 am
Pour Kindness on Firefighters

Lights Off

Pour Kindness on our Grounds Crew. Thank you, Mr. Mark Coate, for Labyrinth and Peace Sig

Hope Trunk
Reflective Resilience
Student Center
7:00 am
Pour Kindness on Sage Team
Come and Read with Me Program Books For School in New Orleans


3:00-5:00 PM
-Hope was born on 9/11
-Peace One Day Screening @ Wing

-YAC Peace team at Upper Division Chapel
- Blue Labyrinth Opens @ Butterfly Garden
Register to play the Global Unity Compassion Games

  • 9:00- 12:00 Out of Darkness Walk @ Lake Hefner
  • 8:00-9:00 Connecting Steps Through Rhythm @ International Dance Studio

Saturday Women
Human Rights

6:00 am  Pinwheels and Pieces of Peace Planting

Peace Walk Around the Lake
Pinwheels, Pieces of Peace Blessing after Early Morning Eucharist and Breakfast . Picture around the Peace Sign


-Josh and Judy

- Officer Dang, Oklahoma County Sheriff
Casady Choir

MD International Club showed, Malala's 5 minute acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize of Peace
Casady Orchestra
MD Chapel: Hearts and Hands of Peace Planting around Thinking Man Statue and picture

LD Chapel: Peace Hands Blessing. Picture around the Peace Sign

PD Chapel on 9/16: Song "Peace is for you, is for me,is for us"


A Talking Picture Screening, Activities, Miller 4
Peace Day Pictures

@ Boys and Girls Club

Day of Kids
@ Memorial Park
3:00-5:00 PM
@ Wing
-United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development
-Peace One Day Screening
7:00  am Pour Kindness on Village Police Come and Read with me Book Collection for a School in New Orleans

Pour Kindness on Casady Choir
Pour Kindness on Casady Orchestra

Pour Kindness on Peace Volunteers

Service Opportunities
Saturday 9/17

Day of Kids at Boys and Girls Club
Sunday 9/18

United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development and Peace One Day Screening at Wing

Saturday 9/24/2016
#Oklahoma Standard Ambassadors Training @ Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum
OKC Peace Walk at Myriad Gardens

Sunday 9/25/2016
Oklahoma Conference of Churches Interfaith Youth Tour $15 fee. Register at

This Saturday September 24th
10 am - 6 pm  

We invite you all to taste and shop delicious home-made Turkish food

  Baklava will be served all day long.  Turkish tea and coffee.. 

Turkish delight (lokum) Ebru (water marbling), China Ceramic and Turkish Calligraphy booths! 

Inflatables, face painting and henna!.. 
Ice-cream, popcorn, lemonade, cotton candy, and more!

Traditional Turkish music and folk dance, Whirling Dervish, and performers from different cultures on our World Experience Stage.  Home-made bazaar, craft booths, and vendors.Turkish jewelryand traditional ceramics..

Volunteers needed! click here
Meet OKC Thunder's Enes Kanter!

Honorary Festival Chair
Don't miss the chance to meet him and get an autographed poster!

The Turkish Festival is hosting a special event! 


Peace Walk 

honoring the International Day of Peace 

Please join us at 
Myriad Botanical Gardens 
on Saturday
September 24, 2016 from 2:00-2:45 p.m. 
on the north side of the Great Lawn. 
This event is free, family-friendly, and open to the public. 
Please share the invitation and bring your friends!
This will be a silent march accompanied by drums and Native American Flute courtesy of Steve McLinn and Albert Gray Eagle.

Speakers Before the walk
Aamr Hasanjee, CAIR & UCO's Muslim Students Association
Maureen Heffernan, Myriad Botanical Gardens CEO
Kuaybe Basturk, The Dialogue Institute Southwest CEO - Oklahoma City Branch
Sinead Maguina, President, United Nations Association of Oklahoma City