Monday, April 6, 2015

April 7 meeting ?

Executive Board Agenda
Sidney reminder YAC members to attend about volunteer opportunities. There were too many meetings after chapel, therefore the word did not get and no changes or additions were made to the National Volunteer Week.
1. Walk-A-Thon Reflection  Ananya, Miranda, Pierce
2. Evening of the Arts:  Volunteers  Sidney and Taylor
3. Boys and Girls Club Tennis Clinic
4. YAC Fedex- Strategic Planning May 2, 1:30-4:30 Sign-up

YAC Membership and S-L Program

1.  National Volunteer Week:  Flyer from Mrs. Clay to YAC  Sidney and Jessica
-Bookmarks and Books:  Ananya
-Snacks for Tuesday April 14:  All membership brings something to drink or eat to be shared with UD  Miranda
- Sign-up to volunteer:  Boys and Girls Club, Food Bank, Habitat, Screening of Girl Rising  Ananya

2. April 21: President Volunteer Service Awards:  Aubrey, Dylan, Sara and Gabrielle

3. YAC Fedex   May 2

4. Sunday May 3, 1:30-3:30 Labyrinth Experience for YAC/YLOKC and Casady interested seniors facilitated by Cannon Susan Joplin
Cannon Susan Joplin envisions giving YLOKC an orientation talk in the chapel (just adjacent to the labyrinth) that would be about 20 minutes. After that, we could all go out to the labyrinth together. I think we should allow an hour for this number of people to walk.

This would be the proposed schedule for the day:
1:30 Gather at the labyrinth  Diane Rudebock builder of the labyrinth on site to answer questions.
2:00  Orientation to the labyrinth talk in the chapel
2:30 Labyrinth walk
(followed by time for reflection)

 Diane Rudebock  built the UCO labyrinth. She would like to be there, too, to greet those who have come to walk the labyrinth she built. She would be able to answer their questions about the building of the UCO labyrinth and I will be leading the labyrinth walk.

Before we leave the chapel and go out to the labyrinth, I will instruct them on how to do a reflection after their walk. They will be free to sit and reflect in the labyrinth garden or go inside the chapel for more private reflection.

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