Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day

Peace House OKC will have an Earth Walk at OCU at 6:00 PM 
2015 earthday logo6 pm: Gather at 1501 NW 24th & McKinley


Play the Love this Place Save the Earth Games

Be a Secret Agent of Green Compassion

Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 004 - April 21, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

Through your work this week, you are increasing your understanding of the interrelatedness of nature. As an example, consider how, in the process of gathering nectar from a flower, a bee pollinates the flower. So much does the flower need the bee and the bee need the flower, one could think of them as a single species. We've been referring to this interrelatedness as a conspiracy, and are being guided this week in better understanding it by David Spangler. 

Retrieve the paper you've been working with each day this week and get ready to populate the fourth quadrant, "Spirit."

  Day Four : Spirit
In this quadrant, each circle represents a way in which something in nature inspires you, makes you feel connected to a larger whole, plugs you in to the larger community of life, and so on.  These circles show how nature takes you beyond your body, beyond your emotions, beyond your thinking into a deeper place, a place of connection and wholeness.

As you've been doing each day, choose one of these circles and conceptualize a way for you to complete a compassionate act in acknowledgement of it. As an example, if you are inspired by the strawberries your garden produces, choose an action for today that supports gardening.

Throughout this week, we encourage you to share your experiences on Twitterwith the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Good luck, agents.

Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 003 - April 20, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

You are doing great work this week, better understanding our conspiracy with nature and performing actions that nurture it in positive ways. Our guide this week,David Spangler, is helping us with this work through a specific exercise.

Having placed ourselves in a circle in the center of a piece of paper and divided the paper into four quadrants, we have come to better understand our conspiracy with nature from the perspectives of "Body" and "Mind." Today we move on to the third quadrant, "Heart."

  Day Three : Heart
In this quadrant, draw circles that represent specific emotional experiences you have with nature.  For instance, what do you feel when you see a clear lake sparkling in sunl
ight (or in moonlight!)?  What do you feel when you see a snow-capped mountain? A flower? A bird? What feelings does nature draw forth from you, and what in nature draws forth what kinds of feelings? Note, they don't all have to be positive. The disgust you may feel when seeing the ravages of pollution is one way you may conspire or breathe with the nature world.

As before, choose one of these circles and conceptualize a way for you to complete a compassionate act in acknowledgement of it. For instance, if one of your circles is the "peacefulness" you feel when sitting by a body of water, what action can you take to better ensure others can have this same experience in the future?

Throughout this week, we encourage you to share your experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Good luck, agents.

Good Morning Agents!

As introduced yesterday, we are part of a conspiracy with nature, literally breathing together with every living thing on earth. David Spangler, free-lance mystic and a member of the International Kindness Team braintrust, has designed an exercise for us to better understand this conspiracy.

Yesterday, we divided a sheet of paper into four quadrants, having placed ourselves in a circle in the center. We populated the "Body" quadrant, and completed an act of compassion inspired by this exercise. It's time to move on to the next quadrant.

  Day Two : Mind
In this quadrant, you are going to draw circles, too, but here each circle represents an idea or an image you have about nature. When someone mentions "nature" to you, what springs to mind? What memories do you have of places or events in nature you've experienced? 
What attitudes do you have about nature, particularly as you relate to it or it relates to you? How does your mind conspire with the natural world? These circles represent specific mental experiences you have with nature.

As you did yesterday, choose one of these circles and conceptualize a way for you to complete a compassionate act in acknowledgement of it. As an example, if one of your circles is specific to a place in nature that is important to you, perhaps you can visit that place, or one like it, and beautify it in some way.

Throughout this week, we are encouraging you to share your experiences onTwitter with the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Good luck, agents.

           Secret Agent of Green Compassion
                Mission 001 - April 18, 2015

Good Morning Agents!

As secret agents of green compassion, we are part of a conspiracy with nature. Conspiracy comes from the Latin meaning "to breathe together," which is literally what we do with nature.

We take in her substance in various ways and she takes in ours in reciprocity. We conspire together to express life on earth.

But just what is this conspiracy to which we belong? And how are we conspiring?

To help us answer these questions, David Spangler, free-lance mystic and a member of the International Kindness Team braintrust, has designed an exercise for us to complete over the next four days.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a small circle in the center, just big enough to write your name inside. This is you. Next, draw a vertical line up and down from this circle, and a horizontal line right and left from it, dividing the paper into four parts. Label these four parts Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit. Over the next four days, you are going to draw more circles in each of these quadrants, and by the end of the week have lines connecting these circles with each other and with the central circle that is you.

  Day One : Body
In this quadrant, draw a circle for each of the ways you feel connected to and part of nature through your body. In other words, create circles for all the ways you can think of that your body "conspires" or "breathes together" with nature. These circles represent specific physical experiences. For instance, one circle might be "Breath" for the air you breathe. One might be "Water." Another might be "Food." "Sensations" might be another circle, but you might want to be more specific. The "feel" of a tree, the touch of grass under your feet, the caress of a breeze, and so on are more precise.

Choose one of these circles and conceptualize a way for you to complete a compassionate act in acknowledgement of it. As an example, if one of your circles is "Breath," you could plant a tree today, knowing that trees help clean the air.

Throughout this week, we are encouraging you to share your experiences onTwitter with the hashtag #LoveThisPlace2015. And, please, in celebration of our conspiracy of positively expressing life on earth, use this link to share a photo of a place you love and why you love it.

Good luck, agents.

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